
  1. 你属于我一个人,因为我爱你!

    You belong to me alone , because I love you !

  2. 不管怎麽样,我都会使你属于我。

    No matter what may be , I 'll make you mine .

  3. 我们都知道现在的你属于我。

    Which me both know currently belongs to me .

  4. 何时我才能知道你属于我?

    When will I know that you are mine ?

  5. 我将回头要求你属于我。

    I will return to claim you mine .

  6. 你属于我,我也属于你。

    You are mine and I am yours .

  7. 你属于我,我的,你在我无尽梦中永存。

    You are my own , my own , Dweller in my endless dreams !

  8. 来保持你属于我的青春。

    To keep you young and mine forever .

  9. 如何让孤独的梦相信,你属于我

    How solitary dreams believe you to be mine

  10. 愿你属于我。

    May you be mine .

  11. 有四种基本的行为模式,你属于我称之为的“迅速开始”型。

    There are four basic action modes , and you 're what I call a Quick Start .

  12. 今天你属于我,但明天,你会离我远去,让我伤心。

    Today you are mine , but tomorrow you will leave me and my heart knows that it will be hurt .

  13. 他说:“有一天,我会让你属于我,我们一起厮守,直到时间的老去”

    He said , " One day I will make you mine , we 'll be together till the end of time "

  14. 这段父女俩演绎的三分钟的歌曲《今夜你属于我》时断时续——因为小歌星会时不时喊停,等她耳中不断回响的烟火爆炸声过去。

    The resulting three minutes of their stop-and-go rendition of " Tonight You Belong to Me " includes dramatic pauses where the songstress commands silence for the fireworks she keeps thinking she hears .

  15. 她趁热打铁于2008年推出备受赞誉的专辑《无惧的爱》,几首热门单曲如《爱的故事》,《你属于我》和《白马》奠定了她作为娴熟的创作型歌手的地位。

    She followed that up in 2008 with Fearless , a critically acclaimed album that established her as a skilled songwriter with several hits , including Love Story , You Belong With Me and White Horse .

  16. 我想她是说你现在属于我了之类的。

    I guess she meant that YouBelong to me or something .

  17. 我夜晚躺着睡不着,希望你是属于我的。

    I lie awake at night wishing you were mine .

  18. 终于!你属于了我!成为了我的唯一!

    Finally , you belongs to me , became my only one !

  19. 曾经有多次我以为你是属于我的。

    There are times I think that you are mine .

  20. 但我仍可以让世界见证你曾经属于我。

    But I can show the world that you were once mine .

  21. 我很自私,我总希望你只属于我一人。

    I 'm super selfish , I always want you to myself .

  22. 爱德华:你不属于我的世界,贝拉。

    Edward : You just don 't belong in my world , Bella .

  23. 我要你永远属于我,因此请嫁给我吧。

    Please be mine forever and marry me .

  24. 让他们深信你还属于我?

    Just make believe you 're mine ?

  25. 如果你不属于我,这距离又怎会伤害着我的生活?

    If you 're not for me then why does this distance maim my life ?

  26. 如果你不是属于我,我是否仍有支撑灵魂的力量?

    If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all ?

  27. 明天你是否属于我?

    Will you be mine tomorrow ?

  28. 我知道每个女生都是公主,都有属于自己的王子,你是属于我的王子吗?

    I know that each girl is a princess , all belonging to own prince , are you belong to my prince ?

  29. 这世界上真正的暴力是一个人告诉另一个人,你是属于我的因为我爱你。

    The true violence in the world is one tells to the other that you must belong to me since I love you .

  30. 亲爱的,想到你是属于我的,我禁不住喜极而泣,但又时常惶恐,不知自己是否配得上你。

    My dear one , then , I have wept for joy to think that you are mine , and often wonder if I deserve you .