
  • 网络Your request;your requirement
  1. 符合你的要求。

    It suits your requirement .

  2. 如您有任何问题,请随时与我们联系。我们会尽力满足你的要求!

    If you have any questions , please for free contact us , we will do our best to meet your requirement !

  3. 关于你的要求,她什么也没说。

    She has said nothing regarding your request .

  4. 你的要求会处理的。

    Your request will be actioned .

  5. 这个符合你的要求吗?

    Does this answer your requirements ?

  6. 或许他们只会愤怒地挥舞着双手说你的要求太过分了?

    Or are they just going to throw up their hands and say you 're asking too much ?

  7. 把你的要求告诉助产士,这样她可以记下来,避免产生误解。

    Tell your midwife what you want so she can make a note of it and avoid misunderstandings .

  8. 我不能应允你的要求。

    I cannot assent to what you ask .

  9. 你的要求很荒谬。

    Your claim is quite absurd .

  10. 他是个心慈面软的人,肯定会答应你的要求。

    He is a kind-hearted and obliging person and will certainly grant your request .

  11. 这将大大地满足你的要求。

    This should fill your requirements nicely .

  12. 你的要求我们正在研究,过几天听话。

    We 're considering your request and will give you a reply in a few days .

  13. 我不能随便答复你的要求。

    I can 't answer your request offhand .

  14. 如果一个人要在你的要求下才会改变、才会说爱你、才会在吃晚饭时带酒、才会在飞机降落后给你打电话,那你们之间的关系是你无法承受的。——

    If you have to ask someone to change , to tell you they love you , to bring wine to dinner , to call you when they land , you can 't afford to be with them . -

  15. 我很长时间没有登陆QQ,等到这个周末,我会满足你的要求。

    I have not logged on to QQ for a long time , waiting for this weekend , I will satisfy your request .

  16. 我是ACS(美国化学学会)公共事务办公室主任,很高兴就你的要求作出回复。

    I am the Director of the Office of Public Affairs for the American Chemical Society , and I am pleased to respond to your information request .

  17. 8见斯坦迪什团队论文你的要求是什么?

    See The Standish Group paper , What Are Your Requirements ?

  18. 好的,我将按你的要求按排。

    All right , I should do as you 've said .

  19. 总统拒绝再对你的要求让步。

    The president has refused to capitulate to any further demands .

  20. 我想活期存款账户可以满足你的要求。

    I think a current account will be to your satisfaction .

  21. 这样是否满足你的要求。

    I wonder whether it can meet your demand or not .

  22. 遵照你的要求我们已将建议撤销。

    In compliance with your wishes we have withdrawn our suggestion .

  23. 考虑到我们长远的业务关系,我们接受你的要求。

    Considering the long-standing business relationship between us , we accept it .

  24. 组织接受你的要求赦免你的妻子。

    The alliance granted your request to spare your wife .

  25. 对不起,我不能答应你的要求。

    I am sorry I cannot consent to your request .

  26. 如果你的要求被拒绝,就考虑不接受这份工作。

    If your request is rejected , consider turning the offer down .

  27. 我想我们会尽量满足你的要求的。

    I think we will try to meet your requirements .

  28. 我们会与厂家联系按你的要求改动的。

    We 'll get the factory to meet your requirements .

  29. 我们可以按你的要求安排时间表。

    We can arrange the schedule to meet your requirements .

  30. 我们能调整我们的设计以满足你的要求。

    We can tailor our design to meet your request .