
  1. 我没指望它你早就知道会失败?

    I wasn 't counting on it.You knew it would fail ?

  2. 那你早就知道要这么做

    So you knew , you were going to do this .

  3. 你早就知道,追击有权势的人是件很危险的事。

    You knew going after powerful people was a dangerous business .

  4. 你早就知道我会照你说的相反地去做。

    You knew I 'd do the opposite of what you said .

  5. 是我姐姐玛格丽特,你早就知道的!

    It 's my sister Margaret , and you knew it was !

  6. 你早就知道,还同意这样做?

    You knew about this and went along with it ?

  7. 我突然想到你早就知道了。

    It suddenly struck me that you had known all the time .

  8. 戴夫:你早就知道是我?

    Dave : So you knew it was me ?

  9. 我还以为对它你早就知道了一点哪。

    I thought you might perhaps know something of it all the while .

  10. 你早就知道了,对吗?

    You knew about this , didn 't you ?

  11. 你早就知道她申请了乔治敦大学?

    Did you even know she applied to Georgetown ?

  12. 你早就知道会来曼联还是这是一个惊喜?

    Did you see your move to United coming or was it a surprise ?

  13. 你早就知道怎么关掉它

    You knew how to turn it off !

  14. 如果你早就知道你就会换种方法来处理此事

    If you knew that then , maybe you would have approached things differently .

  15. 我问爸爸:“你早就知道他要甩了我?”

    I ask daddy : " you already knew that he must fling me ?"

  16. 你早就知道我是神龙武士!

    You knew I was the dragon warrior .

  17. 我想你早就知道他的电话号码了。

    And you already have his number .

  18. 你早就知道今天有演习?

    You knew the drill was today ?

  19. 还是你早就知道?

    Or have you known all along ?

  20. 你早就知道赌场的事情。

    You knew about the casino .

  21. 波特:你早就知道了?你们知道却不告诉我?

    Harry potter : you knew ? You knew all along and you never told me ?

  22. 很抱歉,可游戏规则就这样——这种事你早就知道。

    Sorry but that 's the game we 're all in - that sort of thing .

  23. “原来你早就知道了!”哈利说,“你知道我是一个巫师?”

    " You knew ?" said Harry . " You knew I 'm a & a wizard ?"

  24. 你早就知道?

    And you knew this ?

  25. 既然你早就知道爸会被捕了为什么不和他们解释呢妈妈

    Why don 't you explain , mom ? Since you knew about dad 's arrest hours ago .

  26. 询问一些你早就知道答案的简单基本的问题就可以做到。

    This can be done by asking some simple and basic questions to which you already know the answers .

  27. 你早就知道帽子只容许两人通过所以你没告诉我此行是来救你父亲

    You knew only two can go through the hat.Which is why you didn 't tell me about your father .

  28. 我满以为你早就知道了,但要是以前我也用那样多的时间和你交谈,或许会向你说这些的。

    I took it for granted you knew , but if I had spent as much time talking with you as I did polishing chrome , perhaps I would have .

  29. 如果你早就知道这件东西脱销了,请你在产品页的最前面告诉我好吗?这样我们都不会浪费彼此的时间。

    If you already know that something is out of stock , can you please show that upfront on the product page so we don 't waste each other 's time ?

  30. 要是有些东西你早就知道不是你的,就得断然放弃,越拖到后面只会让自己越辛苦。

    If you know in the beginning something does not belong to you , then you need to let it go decisively , or you may just torture yourself in the future .