
  • 网络Your shadow;Shadows of you;Nide Yingzi - Anak
  1. 我与这众花嬉玩,若寄情于你的影子。

    As with your shadow I with these did play .

  2. 不然,你的影子就会把他惊醒!

    Wicked girl , lest your shadow should wake him !

  3. 啊,但愿你的影子永远不要在沙滩上消失;

    Oh , may your silhouette never dissolve on the beach ;

  4. 这说明,这一切的背后,都有你的影子。

    It could be that somehow you are behind all this .

  5. 别让你的影子碰到新娘子!

    Don 't let your shadow touch the bride !

  6. 不要让我看见你的影子啊!

    Let me never set eyes on you again !

  7. 你的影子正好投射在我的书上。

    You 're casting a shadow on my book .

  8. 是谁从我的眼睛里偷走了你的影子?

    Who stole your shadow from mine eyes ?

  9. 窗帘上你的影子多么可爱。

    Adoring your shape so fair on curtain .

  10. 我要去另一边寻找你的影子

    I search for you on the other side

  11. 我的这座城市,到处都能看见你的影子。

    In this city where I live , I can see you shadow everywhere .

  12. 我清楚自己,那是在找寻你的影子。

    I made it clear their own , it is looking for your shadow .

  13. 我希望在她身上可以看到你的影子。

    I can 't take my mind off you till I find somebody new .

  14. 你的影子把我吓得半死。

    Your shadow scared me to death .

  15. 你的影子剪不断。

    The shadow of your cut continuously .

  16. 把你的影子投放在日规上。

    Lay your shadows over the sundial .

  17. 它比你的影子更接近�

    It 's closer than your shadow

  18. 你的影子整天伴随着我

    Your shadow follows me all day

  19. 都会有你的影子在我面前晃来晃去。

    But wherever I go , your shadow always haunts me and can 't be dispelled * .

  20. 难道在我的一生中,永远也摆脱不了你的影子了吗?

    Did difficult way also caned not get away from your shadow forever in my whole life ?

  21. 抽时间去看一看大海,让沙滩记住你的影子。

    August : Set aside some time to visit the sea so the beach may remember your shadow .

  22. 不是你的影子,而是你,因为你我心灵相通,灵魂相连。

    not someone like you , but you , for your soul and mine must always come together .

  23. 为了久藏你的影子,在深冬,我给心灵再上一把锁。

    To the long shadow of your possession , in the winter , I will give heart to a lock .

  24. 在看你的影子,你的头将继续往下看这是一个不错的选择为你开始拉。

    While watching your shadow , your head will remain down , which is a good option for starting your pull .

  25. 我用力把眼睛睁大,我撩开蚊帐,我在漆黑的空间中找寻你的影子。没有你,没有你的微笑。有的是寂寞,单调。雨一直滴——滴地下着。

    Forcing my eyes to open wider and drawing aside the mosquito net , I began to search for you in the pitch darkness .

  26. 这个寂寞的午后,我把心事翻出来晾晒,却发现记忆中到处写满你的影子,斑斑驳驳。

    This lonesome afternoon , I turn over out worry to sun , but discover to write full your shadow everywhere in the memory , the spot is motley to refute .

  27. 我已无法记清那些曾出现在我生活中的女孩的模样,每次和她或她在一起,我总是试着在她们身上找寻你的影子。

    I can no longer remember the facial features of girls turning up in my life . I am always cooperating with each of them , trying to reappear the story between you and me .

  28. 看寂寞的风吹乱了旷野里的绝望,而心却让你的影子涨满,载不动思念悠悠,而我找不到有你的彼岸。

    Seeing the wind of loneliness blow the wild despair , I find my heart , a tiny boat , is overloaded with your shadow and my missing , hardly reaching the shore you stands on .

  29. 到处是你清澈的影子,摇曳在我的心里。

    Everywhere is your limpid shadow , drags in my heart .

  30. 将你修长的影子落在日晷之上

    Lay your long shadows on the sundials