
shī bài zhě
  • loser;failure;underdog;also-ran
  1. 他生来就是个失败者。

    He 's a born loser .

  2. 个人责任。我们每个人可以选择成为成功者或失败者。

    Personal Responsibility . We each have a choice to be either a winner or a loser .

  3. 她是个生活的失败者。

    She 's one of life 's losers .

  4. 我自觉是个愚蠢的失败者。

    I felt foolish and a failure .

  5. 那些失败者往往将他们的失败归咎于社会。

    Those who fail incline to blame the world for their failure .

  6. 她认为自己是个失败者,曾有一次因患抑郁症被送往精神病院治疗。

    She saw herself as a failure and had been institutionalized once for depression .

  7. 人们有时会觉得自己是个失败者。

    Everyone feels like a failure at times

  8. 人们对埃尔加赞誉有加,但他却常觉得自己是个失败者。

    Elgar received many honors and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure

  9. 如果到了23岁左右还没结婚,你就是个彻底的失败者。

    You were a total failure if you hadn 't married by the time you were about twenty-three

  10. 成功者与失败者的区别在于成功者能够学以致用。

    The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people put into practice the things they learn

  11. 好吧,也许我是个失败者,不过在我看来,这个国家里的其他人也不比我成功到哪里去。

    OK , maybe I am a failure , but , in my opinion , no more than the rest of this country .

  12. 征服者们知道他们的胜利并不能赢得失败者的忠心,于是就认为只有通过武力将他们压服。

    The conquerors believed in crushing the defeated people into submission , knowing that they could not win their loyalty by the victory .

  13. 我没有把我的孩子们看成失败者,而是鞭策他们,鼓励他们。

    Instead of seeing my boys as losers , I pushed and encouraged them .

  14. 失败者则指那些未能做到诚实可靠的人。

    A loser is one who fails to correspond authentically .

  15. 切记胜利者在做失败者不想做的事情。

    Remember that winners do what losers don 't want to do .

  16. 此刻的记忆不能没有失败者难以忘记的痛苦

    The memorability of such a moment , as , on the images of the losers ' unforgettable pain .

  17. 一个人可以失败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。

    A man can fail many times , but he isn 't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else .

  18. Lunchbag(午餐盒人)指生活中的失败者或者那些没有朋友、无法融入所在的环境而且经常做错事的人。

    Lunchbag refers to loser or a person with no friends , doesn 't " fit in " and does nothing right .

  19. 一个人可以失败许多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪别人,他还不是一个失败者。

    A man can fail many times , but he isn 't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else . ( J. Burroughs )

  20. 这家公司曾经自称为斗志昂扬的失败者,声称要帮我们不同凡想(thinkdifferent),而如今,过于成功才是它面临的唯一威胁。

    Its own success would seem to be the only threat to a company that has billed itself as the scrappy underdog that promised to help us think different .

  21. wpp不是失败者,是成功者。

    WPP is not a failure , it is a success .

  22. “一个人可能会失败,但他那时还不是失败者,直到他开始怨天尤人。”(J•保罗•盖帝,企业家)

    " A man can fail , but he isn 't a failure until he blames someone else . "– J.Paul Getty ( businessman )

  23. RCF失败者呈低速、高阻力特点。

    The characteristic of RCF in abortive group was high RI .

  24. 他推广的这套“评级和封杀”体系(rankandyank)致使员工相互竞争,以避免被贴上失败者的标签。

    The " rank and yank " system that he popularized results in workers being pitted against their peers to avoid being labeled as losers .

  25. 结论:宫颈癌伴输尿管梗阻患者,首选膀胱镜下留置双J管引流,失败者,根据不同情况,制定适宜的治疗方案。

    Conclusion : Endoscopic internal stent drainage is the choice treatment for the patients with ureter obstruction with cervical cancer . If failed , should treat properly according to different condition .

  26. 结果:溶栓后A、β及A·β值均显著增加(P0.05~0.01),而溶栓失败者A仍≤2分。

    Results : There was a significant increase in A 、β and A ·β after thrombolysis ( P 0 05 ~ 0 01 ), while in no reperfusion patients , A was still below 2 score .

  27. 他们是失败者,但又以惊人的热情,坚定不移地对抗他们是失败者这个事实,同时还不断驳斥伏尔泰(Voltaire)、卢梭(Rousseau)和萨特(Sartre);

    They 're the losers but , with incredible passion , they remain steadfastly in denial of that fact , churning away at their refutations of Voltaire , Rousseau and Sartre ; their verses vindicating Il Duce ;

  28. 在关联假设的引导下,Beckett使得自己的语言策略的选择顺应了语境相关因素,这部戏剧也因此被他的目标读者,即生活中的失败者所接受。

    Under the guidance of relevance presumption , Beckett has adapted his linguistic-strategic choices to the contextual correlates to make his drama accepted by his target readers , that is , the losers in life .

  29. 虽然FPTP选举体系清晰明确、易于计数,但是不具有高度代表性,失败者即使获得了大量的支持者也会变得一无所有。

    As an electoral system , it offers ideological clarity and accountability , but it is not very representative , giving nothing to losers even with substantial support .

  30. 结论:药物流产不全或失败者,5h内行主动清宫术,能够解除药物流产后阴道出血过多、过长的原因,减少药物流产并发症;

    Conclusion : If the pregnant women with incomplete or unsuccessful abortion are operated on with active curettage within 5 hours , the causes of excessive vaginal bleeding for long period can be dissolved , and the complications of drug abortion can be decreased ;