
shī yònɡ zhènɡ
  • apraxia
  1. 目的探讨穿衣失用症的可能机制。

    Objective To study the possible mechanism in dressing apraxia .

  2. 失用症中使用手势工具对触觉反馈的影响

    The effect of tactile feedback on pantomime of tool use in apraxia

  3. 胼胝体病变引发失用症1例临床分析

    Clinical feature of a case with corpus callosum infarct

  4. 失用症是一种运动规划的缺失,存在于不是肌肉无力就是瘫痪麻痹。

    Apraxia is a deficit in motor planning , existing without muscular weakness or paralysis .

  5. 目的观察康复训练对偏瘫患者失认症和失用症的疗效。

    Objective To explore the effect of rehabilitation training on agnosia and apraxia of hemiplegic patients .

  6. 发育性语音失用症

    Developmental apraxia of speech

  7. 严重失用症患者常难以用手势或动作示意,但可通过情绪表达。

    People with severe aphasia are usually extremely limited in explaining themselves by pantomime or gesture , except for expressions of emotion .

  8. 但多数情况下,失用症并不十分明显,除非要求患者完成或模仿某一动作。

    More often , however , apraxia is not very apparent unless one asks the patient to perform or imitate a pretended action .

  9. 发育性语音失用症的病因涉及语音的运动计划问题,并与儿童语言发育水平有关。

    The etiology of developmental apraxia of speech involves motor planning problems and it is associated with the level of language development of children .

  10. 失用症可能主要影响口腔、非言语动作,如假装咳嗽或吹熄蜡烛(面部失用)。

    Apraxia may also primarily affect oral , non-speech movements , like pretending to cough or blow out a candle ( facial apraxia ) .

  11. 本篇报告整合及分析肢体性动作失用症具代表性之重要文献,以进一步了解该症状的本质及可能的治疗方式。

    This paper was developed to review recent advances in the study of limb apraxia in order to further understand the nature of this disorder and possible approaches to its interventions .

  12. 通过病例分析进一步阐述了非语言功能(包括结构障碍、手指失认、失算、失左右定向力、失用症)评测的临床意义和具体方法。

    The clinical significance and concrete me - thod of functional estimation of non-language , including constructional disorder , hand-finger agnosia , acalculia , disorientation of left and right , apraxia , were further set forth through 20 cases analysis .