
shī bài zhǔ yì
  • defeatism
  1. 英国政客抱怨伦敦金融城(cityoflondon)的文化,发出了同样性质的失败主义信号。

    In bemoaning the culture of the city of London , British politicians signal equivalent defeatism .

  2. 连投票都不投,纯粹是失败主义。

    Not bother to vote is a sure sign of defeatism .

  3. 他是悲观主义者,也是失败主义者。

    He is a pessimist and a defeatist .

  4. 在我看来,也许当时我们本该在桌面上鼓起失败主义者的勇气,促使他们转变态度。

    It seemed to me probable that we should have uplifted and converted the defeatists round the table .

  5. 一对职业失败主义者为他们撰写的一本新书取了这样一个可笑的名字:《加入南方国家:为什么英国会在2014年成为第三世界经济体》(GoingSouth:WhyBritainWillHaveaThirdWorldEconomyBy2014)。

    One new volume by a pair of professional defeatists is laughably titled Going South : Why Britain Will Have a Third World Economy By 2014 .

  6. 别让失败主义者来告诉我们说为时已晚。

    Let not the defeatists tell us that it is too late .

  7. 有人指责我们陷于失败主义,缺乏信心。

    We were accused of defeatism and lack of faith .

  8. 但是有些批评者说这个设计充满了失败主义的论调。

    But critics argue that the concept smacks of defeatism .

  9. 玛拉:罗伊,不要做个失败主义者。

    MYRA : Roy , don 't be defeatist .

  10. 他告诉我结果时我正沉浸在失败主义的情绪中。

    I was in a defeatist mood when he told me the result .

  11. 我们常常沉迷于失败主义和自我贬损的论调。

    Too often we indulge in defeatism and self-denigration .

  12. 而且谨慎不应该被误解为失败主义。

    Yet wariness should not be mistaken for defeatism .

  13. 我不赞成你这种失败主义的态度。

    I don 't approve of your defeatist attitude .

  14. 汪精卫民族失败主义的产生、发展是一个历史过程。

    The emergence and development of Wang Jing-weis national defeatism was a historical process .

  15. 因为他一直坚持失败主义的态度,所以失败了一次又一次。

    He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude .

  16. 我们击败了失败主义和绝望。

    We have beaten back despair and defeatism .

  17. 他厌恶失败主义,厌恶发牢骚的人。

    He hates defeatism and he hates whingers .

  18. 但他的失败主义将政治野心摧毁。

    His defeatism wrecked his own poiiticai ambitions .

  19. 他被他的朋友们指为懦夫和失败主义者。

    He had been assailed as a coward and a defeatist by his own friends .

  20. 失败主义将令我们一事无成。

    Being defeatist will get us nowhere .

  21. 年轻人应面对和战胜逆境,不应该有失败主义心理。

    Young people should face and defeat adversities ; they should not have the mood of defeatism .

  22. 尤其严重的是,在英国人中间弥漫着一种阴郁的压抑情绪和失败主义思想。

    Worst of all , there is an oppressive air of gloom and defeatism among the British .

  23. 而在国民政府的战时首都,魏德迈发现这里充斥着紧张情绪和失败主义的气氛。

    There , at the Nationalist wartime capital , he found the situation tense and atmosphere defeatist .

  24. 一个失败主义者的态度会对他任务的结果产生严重的消极作用。

    A defeatist attitude can be pervasive in its negative impact on the outcome of one 's mission .

  25. 我们看到太多的失败主义、太多的悲观主义和太多的负面倾向。

    We have seen too much defeatism , too much pessimism , too much of a negative approach .

  26. 这种经济孤立主义预示着一种失败主义,它将收获的是全球化的损失,而不是其收益。

    This economic isolationism signals a defeatism that will reap the losses , not the gains , of globalization .

  27. 另一个回应(颇具失败主义情绪,有点奇怪)是,日本之所以需要制造业,是因为其服务业不具备足够的竞争力。

    Another , oddly defeatist , response is that Japan needs manufacturing because its service sector is not competitive enough .

  28. 对于我们,失败主义是罪恶,争取抗日胜利是责无旁贷的。

    For us defeatism is a crime and to strive for victory in the War of Resistance is an inescapable duty .

  29. 我们应发扬八路军新四军的战绩,反对一切失败主义者和投降主义者。

    We should extend the military successes of the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies and oppose all the defeatists and capitulationists .

  30. 坚决反对与此纲领相违背的一切错误方针,同时反对悲观失望的民族失败主义。

    We must firmly oppose all wrong policies which run counter to it and combat national defeatism and the pessimism and despair it engenders .