
  1. 在海外地震测网稀或不规则、钻井少甚至没有钻井资料且地质构造复杂的所谓低勘探程度地区进行风险勘探,其并不十分明朗的勘探前景为我们提供机遇的同时也提出了挑战。

    When the risk exploration is carried out in the areas of so-called lower exploration degree abroad where the characteristics are sparse or irregular seismic survey grid , rare or without drilling data and complex structures , the unclear exploration prospect gives us a challenge while providing us a opportunity .

  2. 海外会员加入霹雳网请利用「霹雳网海外会员申请表」。

    For oversea Pili fans who wish to join the free EPIIL MEMBERSHIP , please fill the " Oversea EPILI Member Application " .

  3. 优酷公司称,这是网飞与阿里巴巴媒体部门达成的首份发行协议,也将成为优酷首部通过官方渠道在海外发行的中国网剧。

    It is the first distribution partnership between Netflix and the Alibaba media unit and will be Youku 's first China internet series distributed overseas through an official channel , Youku announced .

  4. 《人民日报》海外版网站“海外网”上一篇被大量转发的评论称,一所大学吸引的高分学生越多,它在每个省划定的分数线就越高,学校也会获得更高的声望。

    According to a widely reposted commentary on Haiwai Net , the website of the overseas edition of the newspaper People 's Daily , the more top scorers a university lures and the higher the cutoff scores it sets in each province , the more prestige it gains .