
  • 网络high pressure gas cylinder
  1. 转炉RH连铸工艺生产高压气瓶用钢洁净度的研究

    Cleanliness of high pressure gas cylinder steel produced by BOF-RH-CC production route

  2. 微机测控高压气瓶疲劳试验装置研制

    Development on Automatic Control System for Gas Cylinder Fatigue Test

  3. 基于ISA总线的高压气瓶安全检测装置的研制

    Development of Device of Security Test for High-pressure Vessel Based on ISA Bus

  4. 介绍了在60t国产LF-VD精炼炉精炼高压气瓶钢的工艺改进,改进内容包括LF脱氧节奏、LF造渣、VD氩气控制、模铸铸温和铸速的改进等。

    This paper introduces the craft improvement of high-pressure bottle steel in 60t domestically produced LF-VD refining furnace .

  5. 压缩天然气(CNG)汽车的发展非常迅速,车载高压气瓶是汽车的关键零部件之一。

    Compressed natural gas ( CNG ) vehicle has been developing rapidly , and in-car automotive high-pressure gas cylinder is one of the key components .

  6. 本文对引进及消化吸收美国CPI公司高压气瓶技术进行了分析,并将其开发成能够符合国内道路运输要求的高压高纯度气体的专用运输半挂车。

    The author and his colleague comprehended and analyzed the technology of high pressure cylinder introduced from America CPT company , then developed it into special semi - trailer subject to domestic requirement of road transportation for high pressure and high purity gas .

  7. 高压气瓶强力旋压工艺研究

    Research on power spinning technique for a high-pressure gas bottle shell

  8. 氘气-金属系统的高压气瓶实验

    The experiment of deuterium / metal system in high pressure cells

  9. 提升高压气瓶钢质量的工艺改进探索

    Exploration of Craft Improvement of High-pressure Bottle Steel 's Quality

  10. 铝合金内衬复合材料高压气瓶的研制

    Development of high-pressur composite gas cylinders with aluminum liners

  11. 高压气瓶工艺残余应力测试和分析

    Measurement and Analysis on Residual Stresses of Techniques in High Pressure Gas Cylinders

  12. 薄壁铝内衬芳纶缠绕高压气瓶的研制

    Development of Aramid Filament Wound Thin Wall High Pressure Vessel with Aluminum Liner

  13. 航天储氧球形高压气瓶的研制

    Researching on Spheroid Oxygen High-pressure Vessel for Human Spacecraft

  14. 柱形高压气瓶内窥伺服系统研究

    Research of Servo System In Inner Surface Test Device Of High Pressure Vessel

  15. 高压气瓶用管的开发

    The Development of High - pressure Gas Cylinder

  16. 高压气瓶爆裂失效分析

    Analysis on Crack of High Pressure Air Bottle

  17. 复合材料高压气瓶用预成型织物的设计与织造

    Structural design and weaving of preformed fabric for manufacturing composite high-pressure cylinder for gases

  18. 和几个高压气瓶,里面充满了稳定性同位素碳13的二氧化碳气体。

    and some high pressure bottles of the stable isotope carbon-13 carbon dioxide gas .

  19. 论述了高压气瓶用无缝钢管的制造及其生产工艺。

    This paper discussed the manufacture procedure of seamless steel pipe for high-pressure gas cylinder .

  20. 储氢方式和储氢材料有高压气瓶储氢、固体储氢材料(主要是金属和复合氢化物材料、纳米结构材料);

    It can be stored in high-pressure-resistant gas tank and solid state hydrogen storage materials ;

  21. 长期以来,作为液体火箭推进剂贮箱增压用的氮气都是用高压气瓶贮存的。

    The nitrogen used for pressurization of liquid propellant tanks is usually stored in high-pressure tank .

  22. 适宜的热处理工艺能明显提高高压气瓶钢的综合性能。

    The comprehensive properties of the hi-pressure gas cylinder steel can be considerably improved by proper heat treatment processes .

  23. 钛合金高压气瓶表面裂纹程序载荷谱试验的结果和分析

    The test results and analysis for spherical high pressure titanium alloy vessels with surface crack under program load spectra

  24. 疲劳试验是气瓶出厂时的强制抽检项目,对于保证高压气瓶反复充装,长期可靠使用具有重要意义。

    Fatigue test is an important impulsive check for gas cylinder which is necessary to its safe and reliable operation .

  25. 高压气瓶母材、焊缝和热影响区的疲劳裂纹扩展速率实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Raw Material , Weld Seam and Heat-affected Zone of High Pressure Vessel

  26. 除了仪器空气(厂空气)工厂直接生产外,其余气体都是采用高压气瓶柜供气。

    All gases shall be supplied from Pressurized Gas Cylinders except for plant / instrument air that is supplied from the production facilities .

  27. 设计了钛合金高压气瓶的结构,确定了压力、壁厚、安全系数等技术参数。

    The structure of the gas bottle is designed and the parameters such as pressure , thickness and safety factor are given also .

  28. 偏心度对高压气瓶容积残余变形率影响的分析

    Then at the 6 point will lead to a higher pregnancy rate . The Analysis of Eccentric Effects on Ratio of Permanent Volumetric Expension

  29. 本文介绍两个带有疲劳表面裂纹的钛合金高压气瓶在程序载荷谱下的试验结果,并对它作了简单的分析。

    In this paper test results and simple analysis of spherical pressure titanium alloy vessels with fatigue surface crack under program load spectra are presented .

  30. 根据所选马达的耗气量与潜艇续航时间计算满足要求的高压气瓶的工作压力和容积。

    Working pressure and volume of the required high-pressure air bottle were calculated according to air consumption of the selected air motor and the cruise duration of submarine .