
  1. CRI新闻,高君雅(音译)毛里求斯玫瑰山报道。

    For CRI , this is Gao Yunya reporting from Rose Hill , Mauritius .

  2. CRI新闻,高君雅(音译)津巴布韦哈拉雷报道。重点讲解:你必须输入命令,例如“帮助”或“打印”。

    You have to type in commands , su ch as ' help ' and ' print ' .

  3. CRI新闻,高君雅(音译)南非报道。重点讲解:我们的目的是鼓励投资。在书中,他表示,不仅仅是高层经理,各阶级工人都应该参与到决策中去。

    In the book , he said workers at all levels should t a ke part in decision-making , not just top managers .

  4. 高君雅(音译)将从金沙萨带来详细报道。

    Gao Junya has more from Kinshasa .