
  • 网络high efficiency motor
  1. 国际上推动节能降耗的经验做法&节能变压器与高效电机的推广

    Experiences and practice of energy saving and reduced losses on the world & popularization of energy saving transformer and high efficiency motor

  2. 由于电机的效率值是判定高效电机的最重要的指标,因此相比于普通电机,高效电机的效率测试方法及其相应的测试系统都要复杂和严格得多。

    The efficiency value is the most important parameter to distinguish a high efficiency motor , so the efficiency testing method and equipment for high efficiency motors are much more complex and strict than common motors .

  3. 基于气隙转矩法的高效电机效率测试

    Efficiency Test of High Efficiency Motors Based on Air - gap Torque Method

  4. 高效电机的自动测试系统

    Automatic Test System for High Efficiency Motors

  5. 开发和应用高效电机,是当前世界上的一个热门课题。

    Development and application of high efficiency motors is currently a hot topic in the world .

  6. 它们和单片机一起可构成一种高效电机控制驱动电路。

    They can form a kind of high-efficient electrical motor control and drive circuit with one-chip computer .

  7. 研究了保护气氛对高效电机用无取向电工钢消除应力退火后磁性能的影响。

    The effects of protective atmosphere on magnetic properties of non-oriented silicon steel for high-efficiency motors after stress relief annealing are investigated .

  8. 介绍了近5年有关取向硅钢和高效电机用的无取向低碳电工钢的发展。

    Developments of grain-oriented silicon steel and non-oriented low carbon electrical steel for high-efficiency motor since the last five years are introduced .

  9. 与初始方案相比较,电机的设计结果满足了高效电机所提出的技术指标。

    Compared with the initial program , the ultimate design results of the motors meet the technical specifications of the proposed efficiency motor .

  10. 因此,提高电机效率,使用高效电机替代正在使用的普通电机,成为节省能源消耗,降低运行成本的重要手段。

    So improving the efficiency of electric motors , replacing now-using common motors by High Efficiency Motors can save energy , and reduce operating costs .

  11. 试验结果符合高效电机测试规范的要求,试验方法简便易行,设备成本较低,有实用价值。

    The experiment results accord with the High Efficiency Motors testing criterion , and show that this method is easy-using , cost less , and it is valuable for application .

  12. 电机行业十二五规划纲要中明确指出我国要大力推广高效电机的使用,双馈电机系统节能是实现电机高效运行的一种手段。

    The twelfth and thirteenth five-year plans of the motor industry clearly pointed out that our country is promoting efficient use of motor , and system energy saving of doubly-fed machine is a means for realizing the motor operate efficiently .

  13. 主要介绍提高小型电机效率的主要途径,并详细介绍了降低各种损耗应采取的措施,通过性能分析阐述降低各种损耗对提高电机效率的影响,为高效电机的发展提供一些技术参考。

    This paper introduces the main ways of improving efficiency of small-sized motor and the selected measure of reducing various losses , describes the influence of reducing various losses on improving efficiency of motor through performance analysis , and provides some technical reference on development of high-efficiency motor .

  14. 为提高注水系统效率,首先应选用高效的电机和注水泵,对注水量小注水压力高的小采油区宜选用柱塞泵。

    In order to raise waterflood system efficiency , first of all high efficiency motors and water injection pumps should be selected .

  15. 随着国内外对于混合动力汽车研究的深入,如何设计小型高效的电机是当今世界电机研究的一个重要的方向。

    With further study of hybrid cars , a new smaller and more efficient motor has been became an important field in the world .

  16. 随着能源紧缺这一现象的日益突出,高效节能电机的研究与开发成为电机领域的热点问题。

    For energy shortage is becoming an increasingly serious problem in recent years , the research and development of energy-efficient motor has become a hot spot issue .

  17. 随着我国节能减排政策的深入贯彻,高效节能电机将逐渐代替其他高能耗和低效率电机,成为今后的主要动力来源。

    With the further development of energy saving emission reduction policies in China , the energy efficient motor will gradually replace other high energy consumption and low efficiency motors , and become the main power source in the future .

  18. 而稀土永磁同步电动机是新兴的一种高效特种电机,对其振动与噪声特性进行全面和深入的研究却相当少。

    Since Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor ( PMSM ) is a new and developing high efficiency special electrical motor , at present , the total and systematic researches on vibration and noise of the PMSM are still rather rare .

  19. 随着社会经济不断发展,能源问题日益突出,永磁同步电机作为一种高效节能电机被越来越多地应用到工业、物流、交通、生活等各个领域。

    With the development of the socio-economic , energy shortage is more and more serious . PMSM , as a high effect motor , is applied to various fields , such as industry , logistics , transportation , life and so on .

  20. 永磁同步电机作为一类应用最广泛的高效节能电机,其高性能控制策略的研究将显得越来越重要,同时这也是目前电力电子与电气传动领域最热门的研究课题之一。

    Permanent magnet synchronous motor as one of the most widely used energy efficient motor , its high performance control strategy research will become more and more important , which is also one of the most popular research topics in the power electronics and electric drive field .

  21. 高效无刷电机,噪音低,使用寿命长。

    Efficient brushless motor , low noise , long service life .

  22. 一种高效的交流电机节电器

    Device of Saving Energy for AC Induction Motor

  23. 多功能稀土永磁高效节能纺织电机投产

    Multifunctional Energy - saving Motor into Production

  24. 所以,设计一款高效节能的电机对于节能、提高经济效益有着重要的意义。

    So designing a new type of motor which can save energy and improve economic benefit has great significance .

  25. 在交通领域,交通管理和物流的改善大约能节约53%的能源,而更多的高效蒸发和电机可能会使得工业能源需求下降52%。

    In transportation , improvements in traffic management and better logistics could result in energy savings of 53 per cent , while more efficient steam generation and electric motors could help reduce industrial energy demand by 52 per cent .

  26. 蒸发冷却是一种高效可靠的电机冷却方式,冷凝器作为蒸发冷却系统向外界换热的核心部件,发生在其中的冷凝过程对决定整个蒸发冷却系统的工作状态起着至关重要的作用。

    Evaporation-cooling is effective and safe as generator cooling technology . Condenser is one of the important parts in a evaporation-cooling system , which condensation process in it takes a important role to the performance of the whole evaporation-cooling system .

  27. CDB型高效节能电泵电机

    CDB High Efficient and Energy Saving Electric Pump Motor

  28. 高效环形行波超声波电机设计方法研究

    An Effective Design Method of Round Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motor

  29. 本文结合开关磁阻电机的原理,设计出抗磁性悬浮转子高效微型开关磁阻电机装置。

    According to the theory of diamagnetic levitation , a micro-switched reluctance motor with a levitated rotor was designed .

  30. 只有调整相关的性能参数,即水泵的出水扬程,才能保证水泵的工况点处在高效工作区,电机的输出功率与负载处于合理的匹配范围内。

    In order to ensure the working point being in high efficiency working area , the only way is to adjust correlative performance parameters .