
  • 网络High-temperature chemistry;pyrochemistry
  1. 综述了近年来国外合成纳米α-Al2O3粉末的2种工艺:一种为高温化学合成工艺。

    Two kinds of techniques used in the synthesis of nanoscale α - Al_2O_3 powder are reviewed in this paper .

  2. 陶瓷模材料与TiAl基合金的高温化学相容性研究

    Investigation of the chemical compatibility between TiAl alloy and ceramic mold materials at high temperature

  3. 研究了两种不同成分的陶瓷模材料与TiAl基合金的高温化学相容性。

    The chemical compatibility between TiAl hased alloy and ceramiC mold materials at 1000 ℃ has been studied .

  4. 涉及C2反应的化学过程对于研究高温化学和星际间化学有非常重要的意义,因而,探明与C2相关的碳氢化学反应引起了越来越多的科学家的兴趣。

    Chemical processes involving C2 has been of great significance in the study of both high temperature chemistry and interstellar chemistry . Investigation of the C2 related reactions have invoked great inclination due to their important role in exploring high temperature chemistry of hydrocarbons .

  5. 通过高温化学活化法和以高硫石油流化焦为原料、KOH为主要活化剂制备活性炭,研究了碱焦比、乙醇或丙酮和氮气流保护等对活性炭性能的影响。

    A high sulfur oil sand fluid coke was used to produce activated carbon via chemical activated process with KOH and other reagents within a vertical tubular furnace .

  6. 高温化学气相沉积法生长碳化硅晶体(HTCVD)

    Growth of SiC Crystal by High Temperature Chemical Vaporous Deposition ( HTCVD )

  7. 低、中碳钢材料高温化学抛光工艺

    High Temperature Chemical Polishing Technology for Low and Medium Carbon Steels

  8. 高温化学非平衡计算中源项处理方法

    Calculation method of source terms in high temperature chemical nonequilibrium flows

  9. 水玻璃和S2砂高温化学反应及烧结机理

    The Chemical Reactions between S_2 Sand and Sodium Silicate at High Temperature and Their Sintering Mechanism

  10. 本文对近年来国内外关于直流电弧放电中的高温化学反应的应用进展进行了综述。

    This review covers the developments in the field of high temperature chemical reaction occurring in D.

  11. 表面复合压坯的烧结形式是小液相量瞬时液相烧结,液相的出现会大大的加快高温化学反应和致密化过程的进行。

    The sintering type of the billet is an instantaneous sintering with a little quantity of liquid .

  12. 采用高温化学电池固体电解质的方法来测定碳饱和铁液中的硫含量。

    The high temperature chemical cell was used for determining sulfur content in carbon saturated liquid iron .

  13. 建立了爆轰冲击破碎高温化学分解水蒸汽再次物理热爆的合成模型,初步探讨了含水氧化物的破碎行为。

    Build the mode of impact crash , chemical heat decompose , water vapour explosion at the end .

  14. 用抗热材料制成的用于高温化学反应。它与有机材料发生强烈反应。

    A vessel of heat-resisting material used for high temperature chemical reactions . It reacts explosively with organic material .

  15. 然而,由于具有导热系数低、高温化学活性高和弹性模量小特点,钛合金又是一种典型的难加工材料。

    However , titanium alloys are typical difficult-to-machine materials due to their poor thermal conductivity , low elastic modulus and high chemical activation .

  16. 高温化学的有关或表明高温下的化学活动的改性含钛高炉渣高温碳化低温氯化的研究

    Relating to or designating chemical activity at elevated temperatures . Study on High-temperature Carbonization and Low-temperature Chlorination on Modified Titanium Bearing Blast Furnace Slag

  17. 本实用新型涉及化学反应容器,尤其是一种耐高温化学反应罐的视镜装置。

    The utility model relates to a chemical reaction vessel , in particular to a sight glass device of a high temperature resistant chemical reaction pot .

  18. 镍铁尖晶石陶瓷基惰性阳极具有高温化学稳定性好、抗熔盐腐蚀能力强等优点而成为铝电解研究的重点。

    Nickel ferrite-based cermets have become the key study object of inert anode for its high strength , good stability at elevated temperature , good corrosion resistance and so on .

  19. 快速冲洗:缩短化学处理菲林时间的方法:它采用高温化学剂,配合浅盘投影,停显,定影和冲洗。

    Repid access processing : Method to cut processing time of film by using high temperature chemicals coupled with shallow bath processing for development , stop , fix and wash .

  20. 氧化铝陶瓷具有质轻、高温化学性能稳定及摩擦性能好等优点,可以满足钛合金表面改性强化的要求。

    And alumina ceramics with low density , stable chemical property at high temperatures , excellent tribological properties and other advantages can meet the requirements of the alloys ' surface modification .

  21. 先进陶瓷刀具材料由于具有很高的硬度和熔点,很高的高温化学稳定性和力学稳定性,优良的切削性能等优点,在切削领域有很广阔的应用前景。

    The advanced ceramic cutting tools have excellent characteristics such as high hardness , high melting point , good chemical stability and mechanical stability at high temperatures , and good machinability .

  22. 然后这些碳气体被收集起来,利用高温化学反应,可以转化为放射性金刚石,碳原子以小小的黑色金刚石晶体的形式沉积于表面。

    This can then be gathered and turned into radioactive diamonds using a high-temperature chemical reaction , in which carbon atoms are left on the surface in small , dark-colored diamond crystals .

  23. La2O3施主掺杂(MgCoNi)O系氧敏材料的高温缺陷化学分析

    The Influence of Donor La 2O 3 On the Defect Chemistry of ( MgCoNi ) O Oxygen Sensing Materials

  24. RAINBOW陶瓷是一种具有内部应力偏移,并具有特殊的拱形结构的大位移驱动材料,它是通过将普通的压电陶瓷在高温下化学还原制备所得。

    A new type of large-displacement actuating materials called RAINBOW ( Reduced and Internally Biased Oxide Wafer ) ceramics is fabricated by a chemical reduction of PLZT piezoelectric ceramics .

  25. 碳化硅及其复相陶瓷高温摩擦化学的研究

    Tribo-chemistry of silicon carbide and its multiphase ceramic at elevated temperature

  26. 等离子体发生器内高温空气化学反应流场分析

    Flow Field Analysis of the Chemical Reaction of High-temperature Air in a Plasma Generator

  27. 这些假冒品需要经过极其细致的检查,包括对中心部位进行极高温和化学检测。

    These items require extremely close inspection , including exposing the core to extreme temperatures and chemical analysis .

  28. 但是最新一批假黄金只有经过高温和化学制剂等更为复杂的检测,才能被识破。

    But the new batch of fakes can only be revealed by more sophisticated tests involving high temperatures and chemicals .

  29. 这种小虫子有一项绝技,它们可以喷射出一种高温的化学溶液混合物,以此来攻击它们的天敌。

    This creature has the incredible ability to fire a hot mixture of chemical solution strong enough to injure its enemies .

  30. 近几年日方专家准备通过高温销毁化学武器,并已经立项。

    In recent years , Japanese experts ready to adopt high-temperature to destruct all of the chemical weapons , and already has been project .