
  1. 超高温瞬时灭菌(UHT)奶的生产工艺及设备选型

    Ultra-high temperature sterilization ( UHT ) milk production process and equipment selection

  2. 结果表明:以超高温瞬时灭菌法(UHT)对鲜乳中Vc的破坏最小,损失率仅为90%。

    The results showed that the destruction of Vc in fresh milk was minimized by using UHT pasteurization , the loss rate being only 9.0 % .

  3. 添加单宁酶/果胶酶/木瓜蛋白酶复合酶,45℃水浴60min,采用UHT超高温瞬时灭菌方式在135℃条件下灭菌5s,无菌热罐装,即得品质优良的绿茶鲜汁。

    Applying the tannase / pectinase / papain compound enzyme to the centrifuged juice under 45 @ bathing for 60 minutes . Finally , sterilizing the juice with UHT under 135 @ for 5 seconds . A fresh green tea juice with excellent quality is made .

  4. 红外线超高温瞬时灭菌机技术要求及试验方法

    Technical requirements and test method for infrared ultrahigh temperature instant sterilizer

  5. 原料乳经除杂、奶油分离、蛋白提取、脱脂后,再高温瞬时灭菌后进行发酵。

    After trash extraction , cream separation and protein extraction , raw milk underwent instant sterilization under high temperature for fermentation .

  6. 纯生啤酒是指不经过巴氏灭菌或高温瞬时灭菌,而采用膜过滤除菌,达到一定的生物稳定性的啤酒。

    Draft beer refers to the one with certain biological stability , which adopts the method of physical filter with no Pasteurization or instant high temperature sterilization .

  7. 本文介绍了超高温瞬时灭菌和商业无菌的含义,论述了列管式超高温瞬时灭菌的工艺过程、原理、结构特点,从而论证了这是一门提高热交换效率,降低能耗的先进技术。

    The article narrates the implication of UHT sterility and commercial one , and discusses its process , theory , structure , thus it testified it is a advanced technology , which both improve effiency of heat-exchange and reduce energy .