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  • higher algebra
  1. MATLAB在高等代数与空间解析几何教学中的应用

    The Application of Mathematical Software MATLAB in the Teaching of Higher Algebra and Space Analytic Geometry

  2. 本文主要讨论Maple在高等代数教学中的应用。

    In this paper , we mainly discuss Maple 's application in the higher algebra teachings .

  3. 运用MM教育方式改进《高等代数》教学方法

    Use Mathematical Methodology to Improve the Teaching Methods of Advanced Algebra

  4. 本文利用高等代数中矩阵初等变换的知识,给出n元整系数一次不定方程有解的充要条件及解的一般表达式。

    By means of elementary transform of Matrix in Higher Algebra , the article introduces the necessary and sufficient conditions for a solution to uncertain equations with N unknowns and integral coefficients as well as its general formula .

  5. 本文基于高等代数与空间解析几何的教学实践活动,应用数学软件MapleV,逐步培养学生运用几何与代数相结合的方法分析问题和解决问题的能力。

    Based on teaching practice of higher algebra and space analytic geometry , by using mathematical software Maple V , the students ' ability to analyse and solve problems was nurtured gradually .

  6. 探讨在高等代数教学中如何运用符号计算软件Maple来改善教学方法和教学手段,以获得更好的教学效果。

    How to make use of the sign calculation software " Maple " to improve teaching method and the teaching means and in order to acquire the better teaching effect in the higher algebra teaching was studies .

  7. 本文用高等代数知识,证明正交表L(12)(3~1×2~4)是最大的,即L(12)(3~1×2~5)不存在。

    In this paper , we prove the orthogonal table L_ ( 12 )( 3 ~ 1 × 2 ~ 4 ) is maximal , i.e.L_ ( 12 )( 3 ~ 1 × 2 ~ 5 ) does not exist by higher algebra knowledge .

  8. 关于高等代数与解析几何教材合并的几点体会

    Some Ideas on Textbook Combination of Higher Algebra & Analytic Geometry

  9. 提出贯穿高等代数理论的三条主线。它们是:从具体的数学对象向抽象的代数系统的转变;

    This article advances three main leads of higher algebra theory .

  10. 《高等代数》教学改革的若干尝试

    Some Experiments of Teaching Reform in " The High Algebra "

  11. 在高等代数解题教学中突出思维过程教学

    Stressing the Thinking Procession in Solving A Problem on Higher Algebra

  12. 明确价值潜心攻难&关于《高等代数》整体教学的研究

    Specifing Value Overcoming Difficulty & On Whole Teaching of Advanced Algebra

  13. 浅谈解析几何与高等代数的课程合并

    On Combination of the Subjects of Analytic Geometry and Higher Algebra

  14. 谈高等代数中的分解因式和解方程问题

    Discussing the Problems about Factorization and Solve Equation in Advanced Algebra

  15. 高等代数教学中数学思维若干性质的两重性

    Duality of Some Properties of Mathematical Thinking in Advanced Algebra Teaching

  16. 高等代数观点下的中学数学问题研究

    A Perspective from Advanced Algebra on Secondary School Mathematics Teaching Issues

  17. 高等代数中逆向思维方法的探讨

    Probe into the Methods of Inverse Thought for Higher Algebra

  18. 高等代数方法在数学分析中的应用

    Application of the high algebra method problem to maths analysis

  19. 新南威尔士大学的高等代数教学

    Higher Algebra Teaching in the University of New South Wales

  20. 最小数原理及其在高等代数课程教学中的应用

    Minimun principle and its application to the teaching of Higher Algebra Course

  21. 用辩证思想方法指导高等代数教学刍议

    Talking about Dialectical Method in the Education of Higher Algebra

  22. 轮换对称函数的高等代数分解法

    The Factorization Method of Circulant Symmetric Function in Higher Algebra

  23. 高等代数命题系统的研制与实践

    Preparation and Practice of the Test Base Management System of Higher Algebra

  24. 有限与无限的辩证法则在高等代数中的应用

    The application of dialectical law of finitude and infinitude in Higher Algebra

  25. 谈高等代数复习课的点滴体会

    A Discussion about Reviewing - class in Advance Algebra

  26. 方法利用高等代数多项式基本理论进行推导演算。

    Methods It can be derived from basic theory of the higher algebra .

  27. 高等代数教学中培养学生创新能力的实践与思考

    Practices and Thinking on Developing Students ' Innovate Ability in higher Algebra Teaching

  28. 论初等变换在高等代数中的应用

    Discuss the Application of Elementary Transformations on Higher Algebra

  29. 探析高等代数教学中创新素质的培养

    Explorations of Nurturing Creative Quality in Advanced Algebra Teaching

  30. 高等代数观点下中学数学问题的新认识两例

    New views on junior mathematical problems using Higher Algebra