
gāo jiàn
  • your opinion;wise idea;your brilliant idea;your farsighted opinion
高见 [gāo jiàn]
  • [your farsighted opinion] 敬辞,见解独到精譬,不落俗套

  • 先生高见

高见[gāo jiàn]
  1. 对于环保、您有什么高见,请用行动告诉我!

    Please provide your opinion on environmental protection with action !

  2. 你有何高见?

    Do you have any bright ideas ?

  3. 克兰斯顿和其他人都不合时宜地想在这个决定中发表高见。

    Cranston and others were improperly trying to weigh in on the decision .

  4. 琼斯的一番高见来得正是时候,对于俱乐部中许多相信好日子已经不远的人来说不啻于当头一棒。

    Jones 's wise words are a timely reality check for many at the club who believe the great days are just around the corner .

  5. 这是她的高见,我不敢掠美。

    It was her idea . I can 't claim credit for it .

  6. 我并不刚愎自用,以至于对时贤高见一概排斥。

    I am not so violently bent upon my own opinion as to reject any offer proposed by wise men .

  7. 《广播之友》:对于在中国普及BCL活动,您有何高见?

    Do you have any suggestion about popularizing BCL activities in China ?

  8. 当支持退欧的前部长级官员迈克尔•戈夫(MichaelGove)称我们已经听够了专家的高见时,他错了。

    Michael Gove , the pro-Brexit former government minister , was wrong when he said we have had enough of experts .

  9. 自从戴尔公司(Dell)1月宣布它将接受公司创始人兼首席执行官迈克•戴尔244亿美元的收购要约后,很多人已就此事发表了高见。

    Ever since Dell Inc. announced in January that it had accepted a $ 24.4 billion buyout offer from founder and CEO Michael Dell , plenty of people have voiced their opinions .

  10. 我当然很希望能够分享您的JSON使用经验以及您对何种语言更善于在服务器端处理JSON数据的高见。

    I 'd certainly like to hear more about your own experiences with JSON and what languages you 're finding work well and not so well on the server for dealing with JSON data .

  11. 然后你就可以礼貌的地他帮个小忙,你可以这样说“我最近对学习X很感兴趣,非常想听听您的高见。”这样的小请求是不会冒犯他们的。

    Then you can ask politely for a smallfavor . You can say , ' I 've been interested in learning more about X , andI would love to hear from you if you have some ideas . ' A request likethat is not big enough to put them on the defensive 。

  12. 以及“成为领袖:如何在不冒犯或激怒他人的情况下改变他人”。阅读这本书,你就不必花费大量时间观看泛泛而谈的Ted演讲,或者阅读组织行为学教授大量显而易见的高见。

    and " Be a Leader : How to Change People Without Giving Offence or Arousing Resentment . " Reading it , you can spare yourself hours of flaccid Ted talks and reams of self-evident claims from professors in organisational behaviour .

  13. 这场好戏将会如何上演,请看他的10大高见。

    Here are his 10 ideas about how it gets there .

  14. 你有何高见?你是有创见的人。

    Do you have any ideas ? You 're the creative one .

  15. 他尽可发表高见而不为秘密警察所干扰。

    He was able to make his point without secret police hqrassment .

  16. 达西:依你高见,怎么才能促进感情?

    DARCY : So what do you recommend , to encourage affection ?

  17. 她似乎相信他那一番关于世人的高见。

    She seems to trust his advice about people .

  18. 我有件私事需要听听你的高见。

    I need your advice on a personsal matter .

  19. 投资者也会乐于听到你对他们投资组合和投资意向的高见。

    Investors like it when you are smart about their portfolio and interests .

  20. 我将很高兴听取您的高见。

    I could be pleased to have your remarks .

  21. 她的母亲偏偏要大声发表高见。

    Her mother would talk of her views in the same intelligible tone .

  22. 她发表了几句无需答理的高见。

    She made a number of remarks that did not need an answer .

  23. 那些希望从卡梅伦身上找到高见的人可能要失望了。

    Those looking for the Big Idea from Mr Cameron will be disappointed .

  24. 等你发表完高见之后。

    When you 're through with the lectures .

  25. 我可以讲一句吗?当然,你有何高见?

    May I say a word ? & sure , what do you give ?

  26. 你和你的读者们对于如何处理这个问题有何高见?

    Do you and your readers have any suggestions on how to deal with this ?

  27. 原稿由她一手拟定,出自她自己的高见和她自己的文雅措辞。

    The original was all her own , her own happy thoughts and gentle diction .

  28. 获益于高见比提出高见要求更多的智慧。&科林斯

    To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it . & Cecil

  29. 关于被收养的方法您有什么高见吗

    Do you have any advice on how to get adopted ? Oh , yeah .

  30. 又一个神学专家在发表高见了。

    Another expert theologian heard from .