
  • 网络Under the city;Shiroshita
  1. 城下采煤地面沉陷实时预计研究

    Research on Real-time Prediction of Mining Surface Subsidence under a City

  2. 他在伦敦城下一个项目的完工要等到2012年。

    completion of his next project in the city is not due until 2012 .

  3. 俄国人在柏林城下要遭到他们的最惨重的失败。

    The Russians were going to suffer their bloodiest defeat of all before Berlin .

  4. 把潜水夫派去城下。

    Deploy the divers beneath the city .

  5. 两三个星期以后,德军几乎兵临亚历山大城下。

    Within a couple of weeks , the Germans stood practically at the gates of Alexandria .

  6. 尽管长时间干涸着,但是这些地下通道在伦敦城下无所不在。

    Though long dry , these subterranean thoroughfares are literally everywhere beneath the city of london .

  7. 三天后,他们就兵临国都南京城下。

    Within three days , they were at the walls of the capital of the republic .

  8. 敌人已经在城下叫阵!考验我甲胄和兵器的时候到了。呼-哈!

    Our foe has arrived ! Finally , a chance for me to test my metal . hoo-ah !

  9. 总之,一直以来就有这么一大笔埋藏在伦敦城下的财富是属于他的。

    And all the time there had been a small fortune belonging to him , buried deep under London .

  10. 在城下采煤这种特殊工程中,对地面沉陷预计精度的要求非常高。

    The request of precision for surface subsidence prediction is very high in the proceeding of mining under a city .

  11. 他说:石灰岩可能存在于城下数千米深的地方,而不是深几百米的地方。

    " There may be limestone thousands of meters beneath the city , but not hundreds of meters ," he said .

  12. 即便在德国军队进逼莫斯科城下的时候,日本还是放弃了北进而专事南方。

    Even in the German army advanced on Moscow , Japan also gave up " Northward Policy " and dedicated to the south .

  13. 与此同时,山西军阀阎锡山手下的三个师长在太原城下不战而降。

    Simultaneously , far to the west , three division commanders of Yen Hsi-shan surrendered outside of Taiyuan , the capital of Shansi Province , without fighting .

  14. 我不朽的爱情葬身在暮光的城下,亲爱的来生的相见,已然如梦,我酣睡在人世。

    My imperishable love buried in the twilight of the act , dear of the life that now has a dream , I meet , sleeping in the world .

  15. 左翼是由资历深的在布劳瑙城下晋谒库图佐夫的即是多洛霍夫在其手下当兵的那个兵团的团长指挥。

    The command of the left flank belonged by right of seniority to the general of the regiment in which Dolohov was serving & the regiment which Kutuzov had inspected before Braunau .

  16. 中国人则是通过有关孟姜女的悲情传说了解的,孟姜女为了悼念修筑长城的丈夫而痛哭城下,导致那段长城就此坍塌。

    For the Chinese , it was through the heartbreaking legend of Meng Jiangnu , whose tears of mourning for her husband , a wall builder , caused the fortification to collapse .

  17. 我正在城楼上观山景,忽然听见城下乱纷纷。闹市中的天台,四周的景观就是其他楼宇的天台。

    Seeing the mountain scenery from the city gate tower , I suddenly heard a hubbub in the city . A roof in a bustling city is always surrounded by other gray roofs .

  18. 萨尔维认为,到今年年底,伦敦的新建写字楼可能会呈现短缺状况;他在伦敦城下一个项目的完工要等到2012年。

    Mr Salway reckons that there could be a shortage of new office space in London by the end of this year ; completion of his next project in the city is not due until 2012 .

  19. 当周文率领的队伍攻至秦的首都咸阳城下时,秦二世惊慌失措,速调集各地军队镇压起义军。

    When the branch led by Zhou Wen besieged Xianyang , the capital of Qin , the Second Emperor became panic-stricken and mustered his troops in various parts of the country to launch a counter defence .

  20. 以期运用公共政策来深化扶贫政策,实现制度向政策的转变,缩小城下差距,减少相对贫困和返贫问题,促进社会和谐发展。

    In order to use public policy to deepen poverty policy to policy , realizing the system transformation , narrowing the gap , and reduce the relative poverty and poverty problems , and promote the harmonious development of the society .

  21. 魏将郝照病势严重,忽然接到报告,说蜀军已到城下,急命将士上城把守。

    As the health of the Wei State general Hao Zhao was deteriorating , suddenly it was reported to Hao Zhao that the troops from Shu State had arrived outside the city . Hao Zhao hurriedly ordered officers and soldiers to defend the city in their position .

  22. 我将睿智的古罗马格言铭记于心:“虽然被逐出罗马,却依旧活在罗马城下。”我已被阻挡在知识的大道之外,那么我只能迫使自己穿越人迹罕至的乡村小路——这就是我所做的一切。

    I had taken to heart the words of the wise Roman who said , " To be banished from Rome is but to live outside of Rome . " Debarred from the great highways of knowledge , I was compelled to make the journey across country by unfrequented roads - that was all ;

  23. 岳城水库下综放开采厚煤层的工程实践

    Top coal caving longwall mining in high coal seams under Yuecheng Reservoir : an engineering practice

  24. 三峡记录:上半城·下半城

    Upper City , Lower City

  25. 从墨西哥城基下的土层中,地下水正被源源不断地抽取出来,而补给同等水量需要花两倍的时间。

    Water is being pumped out of the aquifer on which Mexico City stands at twice the rate of replenishment .

  26. 周洋和王蒙跟她们的两名队友刷新了中国队在盐湖城创下的3000米接力记录。

    Zhou , Wang and their two teammates bettered the mark in the3000-meter relay that China had set at the2002 Salt Lake City Olympics .

  27. 律师们随后可能拟定一份周密的协议,以备明年6月在波恩联合国大会上签署,或者等到明年12月在墨西哥城召开下一届气候变化峰会时签署。

    Lawyers could then produce a fully articulated treaty ready for signing either at a UN conference in Bonn in June , or at the next climate change summit in Mexico City in December 2010 .

  28. 而我却愿意用满怀的激情和集中的精力弥补我所缺少的天赋和能力,这也是我在两个星期之前所希望的,当我在挪威城特罗姆瑟下飞机,参加每年的午夜太阳马拉松时,能够帮助我通过的地方。

    But what I lack in grace and ability I more than make up for in enthusiasm and nervous energy , which is what I was hoping would pull me through as I stepped off the plane in the Norwegian city of Troms ø two weeks ago for their annual Midnight Sun Marathon .

  29. 谷歌一直在总部所在的加州山景城测试旗下的自动驾驶汽车,而包括苹果(Apple)在内的其他一些竞争对手也在探索类似技术。

    Google has been testing self-driving cars in its hometown Mountain View , Calif. , and rivals including Apple are also exploring similar technology .

  30. 花旗银行(Citigroup)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)现在的总部都在曼哈顿中城,远离下城金融区那不见天日的狭窄街区。

    Citigroup and Morgan Stanley are headquartered in midtown & far from the dark downtown tunnels of the financial district .