
  1. 正如北京市领导在首个城市奥运口号中所言:“新北京,新奥运”。

    As city leaders put it in their first stab at a municipal Olympic motto : " new Beijing , New Olympics " .

  2. 袭击者是一名22岁的安卡拉防暴警察队员,在袭击时,他高喊与遭到重创的叙利亚城市阿勒颇有关的口号。

    His attacker , a 22-year-old member of Ankara 's riot police squad , shouted slogans about the battered Syrian city of Aleppo during the attack .

  3. 因此,延安市政府提出中心城市建设上山的口号,进行山地住宅的开发,以满足居民扩大的住房需求。

    Therefore , Yanan municipal government proposed " center city construction , the slogan of the hill " Yanan mountain residential development to meet residents ' extending housing needs .

  4. 因此,城市森林建设是将城市可持续发展由口号变成实际行动的生态工程,也是21世纪城市园林绿化的必由之路。

    So , the construction of urban forest is eco engineering which put the sustainable development from slogan to practical action .

  5. 为了有效的缓解目前我国城市水资源严重短缺的现状,国家提出了大力创建节水型城市口号。

    In order to relieve the present situation of water resources serious shortage in cities of China , a slogan on developing water-saving city is put forward .

  6. 然而现实上却是众多城市并没有充分考虑自身的旅游发展条件,一哄而上盲目的提出打造旅游城市的口号。一方面造成城市不切实际的发展,另一方面也造成旅游城市发展质量的下降。

    But in reality , many cities are not fully considered their conditions for the development of tourism , blindly aimed to creat tourist city , which not only brings out unrealistic development , but causes the decline of development quality as well .

  7. 在全球性倡导建设绿色、健康城市的影响下,我国的各个城市都开始重视城市绿地系统的建设,并提出争创园林城市的口号。

    Under the influence of creating green , health cities for worldwide , cities in our country pay attention to urban green systematic 's construction , and put forward the slogan of striving for garden city .