
hán ɡuó pào cài
  • kimchee
  1. 中国美食,或者至少是其中一部分,可能将很快加入韩国泡菜和地中海食物的行列,进入联合国教科文组织(Unesco)的非物质文化遗产名录。

    Chinese food - or at least some portion of it - may be soon joining the likes of kimchi and Mediterranean food on Unesco 's list of intangible cultural heritage items .

  2. 你喜欢韩国泡菜吗?是我的最爱。

    Do you like kimchi ? It 's my favorite .

  3. 四川泡菜与韩国泡菜生产工艺的区别

    Difference of production technology between Sichuan pickles and Korea pickles

  4. 在平壤,讲到韩国泡菜时要小心。

    Be careful what you say about kimchi in Pyongyang .

  5. 韩国泡菜营养价值与保健功能的最新研究

    The Up to Date Returns of Nutritive Value and Health Protection of Corea Pickled Vegetable

  6. 韩国泡菜以其丰富的营养和多种保健功能风靡世界。

    Corea Pickled Vegetable is fashionable in the world by its abundant nutritive Value and multifarious health protection .

  7. 芝麻粥、海蜇面、生鱼片、烤猪肉、嫩豆腐、韩国泡菜饼、蘑菇串、烤牛肉、汤圆、果柿茶

    Sesame porridge Jellyfish noodles Sashimi Grilled pork Soft tofu Kimchi pancakes Skewered mushrooms Grilled beef Rice-ball soup Fruit Persimmon tea

  8. 对四川泡菜和韩国泡菜的发展状况、生产的工艺技术进行了比较,可以对比韩国泡菜的生产和发展方面的成果,为我国泡菜的发展提出建议。

    The developing condition , processing technology of Sichuan pickled vegetables and Korea pickled vegetables was compared , in order to use the achievement of Korea pickled vegetables for reference and give some advice on the direction of Sichuan pickled vegetables .

  9. 韩国的泡菜味道四处挥发也是世界污染源之一。

    The potent smell of kimchee emitted from Korea is one of the biggest problems with the world pollution .

  10. 在2013年,韩国的泡菜(既包括制作又包括分享)以及地中海餐饮都进入了该名录。

    In 2013 , both Koreas ' kimjang - the making and sharing of kimchi - and the Mediterranean diet made the list .

  11. 我曾经在德国的一家韩国餐厅吃过泡菜,我发现它特别独特和美味。

    I had once tasted'Kimchi'at a Korean restaurant in Germany and found it very unique and tasty .

  12. 我喜欢所有韩国的食物,特别是韩国的泡菜。

    Kimchi is part of the culture in korea .

  13. 韩国又一大传统手艺正面临失传。据一项调查显示,65%的韩国女性不会做泡菜。

    Another time-hallowed tradition is dying out in South Korea with 65 percent of women confessing they do not know how to make kimchi , according to a survey .