
  • 网络South Korean Navy;Republic of Korea Navy
  1. 韩国海军舰船周四在延坪岛附近,靠近两国争议水域巡逻。

    South Korean navy vessels patrol on Thursday near Yeonpyeong island , close to waters disputed by both countries .

  2. 韩国海军发言人裴明友表示,韩国在其所属海域将确保军事力量的绝对优势,将挫败北韩任何来自海上的挑衅。

    Bae Myung-woo is a South Korean navy spokesman . He says South Korea will secure an overwhelming and predominant position of military power in its territorial waters . He says this will deter North Korea from any provocation at sea .

  3. 美国官方正在为应对将于周四宣布的一项调查结果做准备。该项调查显示,韩国海军天安舰(Cheonan)是被朝鲜鱼雷击沉。这个事故中有46名韩国船员丧生。

    US officials are steeling themselves for the investigation to announce on Thursday that the navy ship Cheonan was sunk by a North Korean torpedo in an incident in which 46 Korean sailors died .

  4. 韩国海军作战体系

    Republic of Korea Navy 's Combat System

  5. 在去年的炮击事件中,共有两名韩国海军士兵和两名平民遇难,许多房屋被毁。

    Two South Korean marines and two civilians died and numerous houses were damaged in the barrage .

  6. 存在争议的朝韩海上边界位于黄海附近&朝鲜经常对韩国海军在那里举行演习表示不满。

    The Yellow Sea lies on a disputed maritime border where Pyongyang often expresses anger at South Korean naval exercises .

  7. 去年最恶劣的事件是3月份发生的韩国海军舰艇沉没,沉船事件造成46人死亡。

      The worst incident last year was the March sinking of a South Korean naval vessel with the loss of 46 lives .

  8. 在另一起事件中,韩国海军星期四登上也门附近的一艘船只,原因是担心船上有海盗。

    In a separate incident , South Korean naval forces boarded a vessel near Yemen Thursday because of fears pirates were on board .

  9. 海军官员说,韩国海军陆战队发射的照明弹射得比预期还远,落在金浦的那所民房。

    Navy officials said the star shell fired by the South Korean Marines went beyond the range they expected , hitting the house in kimfu .

  10. 五角大楼之前曾经和韩国海军在朝鲜半岛附近的黄海计划进行一次军事演戏,后来被推迟。

    The Pentagon had previously planned , and postponed , a military exercise with the South Koreans in the Yellow Sea off the Korean Peninsula .

  11. 与此同时在朝鲜半岛的东南海岸的1000多名韩国海军陆战队员在美国协助下进行了一次两栖登陆演习。

    At the same time on the Korean Peninsula 's southeast coast , more than 1000 South Korean marines conducted an amphibious landing exercise with U.S. support .

  12. 希拉里国务卿和盖茨部长这次到访之前,韩国海军的天安号军舰被北韩击沉。

    S.secretaries of State and Defense made an unprecedented joint visit to the Korean demilitarized zone , Wednesday morning , in a show of solidarity with South Korea .

  13. 报道说,当天上午,朝鲜一艘警备艇越过“北方限制线”,韩国海军“进行了警告射击”,但朝鲜警备艇“置之不理继续南下”,韩国方面开火射击,朝鲜方面进行了回击。

    According to the Yonhap , a DPRK patrol ship crossed South Korea 's Northern Limit Line ( NLL ), leading the South Korean Navy to fire warning shots .

  14. 6月中旬,两名韩国海军陆战队士兵朝一架正在仁川机场降落的民航飞机举枪射击,他们误以为是北朝鲜的飞机。

    In mid-June two South Korean marines shot their rifles at a civilian airliner landing at Incheon , the airport for Seoul , mistaking it for a North Korean plane .

  15. 而平壤方面披露它正在发展第二个基于铀浓缩的核项目则是11个月前的事;朝鲜潜艇用鱼雷击沉一艘韩国海军舰艇、导致46名水兵丧生更是18月前的事了。

    That makes it 11 months since Pyongyang revealed it was pursuing a second nuclear programme based on uranium enrichment and 18 months since North Korean submarines torpedoed a South Korean naval ship , killing 46 sailors .

  16. 当地电视台播放的画面显示,在最初的救援过程中,韩国海军在客轮一侧沉入水中时爬过船舷将乘客从舱口和窗内拽出来,并用直升机将他们救走。

    In the initial rescue effort , video from local TV stations showed South Korean navy forces clambering across the walls of the ship as it lay on its side , pulling passengers through hatches and windows . Helicopters lifted survivors away .

  17. 而此处是成千上万韩国士兵和海军陆战队的家园。

    which is home to thousands of South Korean soldiers and marines .

  18. 上次的炮击事件发生在韩国一艘海军舰船在黄海海域爆炸并沉没几个月之后。

    That incident came seven months after a South Korean navy ship exploded and sank in the Yellow Sea .

  19. 自一个月前韩国天安号海军舰船在黄海爆炸沉没造成46名船员死亡以来,双方关系急剧恶化。

    Relations between the two Koreas have d steadily since the Cheonan , a South Korean naval vessel in the Yellow Sea , exploded a month ago , killing 46 crew members .

  20. 本周,美国与韩国举行了联合海军演习,目的是展示武力,威慑朝鲜,而日美军演也将有韩国军事观察员参加。

    This week the US held a naval drill with South Korea in a show of force intended for North Korea , and the exercise with Japan will include South Korean military observers .

  21. 韩国国防部说,韩国海军陆战队在延坪岛上进行炮火实弹演习。这个岛屿在2010年曾经遭到朝鲜炮击。

    South Korea 's defense ministry says its marines are conducting a live-fire artillery drill on Yeonpyeong island , which was shelled by North Korea in 2010 .

  22. 韩国参谋长联席会议成员李圣镐中将说,韩国海军特战队在跟踪被劫持的“三湖珠宝”号货轮几天后,星期五早上冲上了船。

    Lieutenant General Lee Seong-ho , of the South Korean Joint chiefs of Staff , says naval special forces stormed the MV Samho Jewelry early Friday , after trailing the hijacked ship for days .

  23. 韩国空军护送大韩航空(koreanair)的747飞机将奥运火种从希腊运往济州岛;再由韩国海军派遣驱逐舰护送渡轮将火种运往韩国本土。

    The South Korean Air Force escorted the Korean Air 747 flying the flame to Cheju Island from Greece ; the Navy dispatched destroyers to escort the ferry that carried it to the mainland .