
  • 网络urban economic region
  1. 新疆城市经济区划分研究

    Study on the Division of Urban Economic Region in Xinjiang

  2. 改革开放条件下的中国城市经济区

    China 's Urban Economic Region in the Open Context

  3. 基于加权Voronoi图的城市经济区划分方法探讨

    A study on the division of urban economic regions based on weighted Voronoi diagram

  4. 城市经济区与福建省区域经济的空间组织

    Economic Spatial Organization of Fujian Province Based on the Unban Economic Region

  5. 中国城市经济区划分的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the division of urban economic regions in China

  6. 试论中等城市经济区工业结构合理化

    On the Rationalization of Industrial Structure in Economic Areas of Medium Cities

  7. 香港-深圳跨境城市经济区之形成

    The transborder economic region of Hong Kong - Shenzhen

  8. 哈尔滨城市经济区产业结构调整与布局研究

    Study on the adjustment and layout of industrial structure in Harbin urban economic region

  9. 华东、华北、华南城市经济区与上海的联系十分密切,其中长三角是上海吸引力和辐射力最强的地区。

    East , North and South China urban economic zone has close relationship with Shanghai .

  10. 城市经济区与国土整治

    City Economic Districts and Territorial Management

  11. 城市经济区的辨识是城市区域研究的一个重要步骤。

    The identification of urban economic area is an important procedure for studying metropolitan re - gions .

  12. 区域经济差异变动的研究方法在城市经济区划分中的应用&以甘肃省为例

    Practical Application of the Region Economy Differences Theories in the Division of the Urban economic regions & Take Gansu province as an Example

  13. 并论证了调整城市经济区的现实意义和进行城市经济规划的作用。

    It is also discussed that the adjustment of urban economic area is of realistic significance and the urban economic planning can play an important role .

  14. 在全国一级城市经济区的研究中发现,福建既不是长三角的紧密腹地,也不是珠三角的紧密腹地,而是它们二者共同的竞争腹地。

    In the research of first-class urban economic regions in China , Fujian is neither the closer hinterlands of the Yangtze River Delta nor the Pearl River Delta , but their mutual competitive hinterlands .

  15. 城市经济区通过统一规划,加强协调,在推进基础设施建设、城乡布局、市场体系、产业发展和环境保护与生态建设等方面会发挥积极作用。

    According to the unified planning and strengthen coordination , urban economic zone will play an positive role on promoting infrastructure construction , urban and rural distribution , and market , industrial development and environmental protection and ecological construction .

  16. 首先通过对山东既有区域经济空间组织思路的评述,结合目前山东省社会经济发展的时代背景,提出了以城市经济区为基础进行山东省区域经济空间组织的基本思路。

    Based on the evaluation of two major thoughts about regional economy spatial organizing in Shandong , according as the background of social and economy development , this paper put forward that organizing the regional spatial economy of Shandong with urban economic region .

  17. 临沂城市经济影响区的范围

    On urban economic influence area of Linyi City

  18. 本文暂且把这种基本经济地域单元称为城市经济辐射区,以供探讨。

    This text calls such basic unit of economic region radiation area of urban economy temporally for discussion .

  19. 根据研究结果,提出巩固贵阳市省内发展的核心地位,建立三级城市经济影响区,走集约发展的道路。

    According to the results and conclusions , it is recommended to concrete the core role of Guiyang and build three levels urban economic zones .

  20. 城市经济辐射区作为都市区形成的萌芽阶段,其形成与发展的研究对于我国的区域经济的发展有着极其重要的意义。

    The radiation district of urban economy , as embryonic stage of the Metropolitan area , its study focus on forming and development has extremely important meaning for the development of regional economy in our country .

  21. 最后提出了建立以城市为中心经济区的设想。

    A tentative plan of the urbane-conomic regions is finally proposed .

  22. 1∶5万重点城市及经济开发区水工环综合空间数据库的建立

    The establishment of synthetic space database of hydrology , engineering and environmental geology for key cities and economic developing zones

  23. 允许沿边重点口岸、边境城市、经济合作区在人员往来、加工物流、旅游等方面实行特殊方式和政策。

    Special methods and policies will be implemented at key borders , and in bordering cities and economic cooperation zones to promote personnel exchanges , logistics and tourism .

  24. 辽宁中部六城市构建沈阳经济区,是实现辽宁老工业基地振兴的新思路和重大战略部署。

    It is the new idea and important strategic plan for realizing the development of Liaoning old industrial base to construct the Shenyang economical region concerned with six cities in middle liaoning .

  25. 城市群作为经济区的重要组成部分,关系到经济区发展的各个方面,是经济区能够实现可持续快速发展的基石。

    Cities as an important component of economic zones is related to all aspects of the development of economic zones , economic zones is to achieve sustainable and rapid development of the cornerstone .

  26. 通过构建两种不同形式的加权Voronoi图,提出了确定区域中心城市和划分城市经济区的新方法,并以河南省为例进行了实证分析。

    The paper put forward new methods for selecting regional central cities and dividing urban economic regions by means of two kinds of weighted Voronoi diagrams , and gave an analytic demonstration taking Henan province as an example .

  27. 沿海十四个港口城市的经济技术开发区

    The economic and technological . development zones of the 14 coastal port cities

  28. 成都经济区是一个典型的单核心城市,成都作为经济区唯一的特大城市,吸引了大量的人口、产业和生产要素。

    Chengdu economic zone is a typical single-core cities , Chengdu is the only large city in the economic area , attracting a large number of population and industry .

  29. 新疆六个开放城市和经济技术开发区、边境经济合作区各方面的建设和招商引资都取得重大成果。

    The six open cities , the economic and technological development zones , and the frontier economic cooperation zones in Xinjiang have made great achievements in construction and investment solicitation .

  30. 但是,该研究所选出的全部35个城市都拥有经济开发区,以支持如汽车、电子和生命科学等重点行业的发展。

    Yet all of the 35 cities identified by the study have economic development zones to support the development of priority industries such as automotive , electronics and life sciences .