
dà jī shù
  • large cardinal
大基数[dà jī shù]
  1. 大基数公理的分类及其相互关系

    The Classifications of Large Cardinal Axioms and Their Relations

  2. 大基数与Chang氏模型C

    Large Cardinals in Chang 's Model C

  3. 决定性公理和大基数之间的关系。

    The relation between the deterministic axiom and large cardinals .

  4. 关于无穷大基数的矛盾

    On the Contradictions of Infinite Cardinal Numbers

  5. 大基数、稳增长的国内休闲旅游、快速增长的中小型商务旅行以及大量的事务性旅行,共同构成了中小型独立酒店的需求主体。

    The major source of the Medium and Small Independent hotel are domestic leisure travelers , business travelers and transactional travelers now , which are growing continuously .

  6. 本文用分类的办法介绍了若干大基数的定义及有关重要结果,以统一的性质考察了它们间的相互关系,最后又划分出强、弱型大基数。

    In this paper , the definitions and results of various large cardinals are introduced by means of the classification , their relations are checked by some unified properties , and the large cardinals of weakly type and strongly type are partitioned .

  7. 此外,作为一个仍在发展的市场,中国汽车业还没有为更换需求打造好足够大的基数&这意味着,随着汽车需求大幅波动,任何商业周期冲击都可能被放大。

    Furthermore , as a still-developing market , the Chinese industry has not yet built a sizeable base for replacement demand , meaning any shocks from the business cycle could be magnified with big volatility in auto demand .

  8. 只有拥有了足够大的客户基数,房地产企业才能在营销过程中掌握主动权,在行业竞争中处于优势地位。

    Only when having a sufficient number of customers , enterprise can seize the initiative and survive in the competition .

  9. 如果印度能够为人民提供教育、更快地进行推迟已久的商业改革,并且能够处理更大的人口基数所带来的环境后果的话,那么印度只会从这种“人口红利”中得到好处。

    India will only be able to take advantage of this " demographic dividend , " however , if it can educate its people , move more quickly on long-delayed business reforms , and tackle the environmental consequences of an even larger population .