- Cargo difference;shortlanded and overlanded;shortage or loss of cargo

[shortage or loss of cargo] 运货中造成的疏漏差错
On Compensation of 5 ‰ Cargo Shortage by the Carrier
This paper analyzes the reasons cause 5 ‰ cargo shortage and studies the possible solutions .
The phenomenon of the shortage of maritime cargo in transit in international trade is common sight .
By analyzing the causes of loss and damage in cargo transporting by small_sized full_compressed liquefied gas carrier , the paper introduces some measures to reduce the loss and damage .
On the other hand , the use of pallets in the whole process of logistics can improve the level of mechanization and reduce of cargo damage and shortage caused by the workers in the process of loading and unloading .
There are different opinions upon whether carrier should compensate 5 ‰ cargo shortage in transportation of large cargo in bulk . This paper studied the evaluation of international dry bulk shipping market by factor analysis , its index system was developed .