
  • 网络Monetary system
  1. 欧洲货币体系正在走向瓦解。

    Europe 's monetary system is falling apart

  2. 建立对新货币体系的信心是其最棘手的部分

    Establishing confidence in a new monetary system was the trickiest part .

  3. 同时采用了接近现实世界货币体系的量化方案,以便于今后商业化P2P应用系统部署的平稳过渡;

    Moreover , the monetary-like trust scheme may smooth the deployment of the future commercial P2P applications .

  4. 是的,呼吁重新考虑全球货币体系或许是合理的,就像世界银行(worldbank)行长罗伯特佐利克(RobertZoellick)所做的那样。

    Yes , it may be reasonable to call for a reconsideration of the global monetary system , as Robert Zoellick , the World Bank president , has done .

  5. 联合国大会(unitednationsgeneralassembly)昨日被告知,全球领袖应尽快关注就创建新的全球储备货币体系达成共识,该体系将取代美元作为主要国际货币的地位。

    World leaders should give urgent attention to reaching consensus on creating a global reserve system that would replace the US dollar as the main international currency , the United Nations General Assembly was told yesterday .

  6. 第五,除了上述经济复苏计划以外,g20还应制定一项补充计划,着眼于建设一个反映新兴经济状况的协作性货币体系。

    Fifth , the G20 should complement this growth recovery programme with a plan to build a co-operative monetary system that reflects emerging economic conditions .

  7. 如今,欧洲各国的ATM机首次吐出欧元纸币十年过后,这种身份认同感的缺失成了可能拖垮统一货币体系的致命伤。

    Now , a decade after euro notes first emerged from cash machines across the continent , this lack of a common identity is the fatal flaw that may sink the common currency .

  8. 要改变这种非均衡状态,应建立单一的储备货币体系、重新分配特别提款权(SDR)、加强区域货币合作和加强国际储备管理。

    These methods are establishing a unified reserves system , redistributing the SDR , and reinforcing the regional monetary cooperation and the international reserves management .

  9. 中国已呼吁改革全球储备货币体系、创建基于特别提款权(sdr)的新国际储备货币。

    China has called for reform of the global reserve system and creation of a new international reserve currency based on Special Drawing Rights ( SDRs ) .

  10. 它关系到IMF是否愿意采取认真措施,推动国际货币体系转型。它将对货币间的相互作用和金融市场产生很大影响。

    It is about whether the IMF is willing to take serious steps towards the transformation of the international monetary system . It will matter greatly for the interplay of currencies and for financial markets .

  11. 当前的国际货币体系,是二战后建立的布雷顿森林体系(brettonwoods)的遗赠,即各国货币与美元挂钩,而美元与黄金挂钩。

    The international monetary system is the remnant of the Bretton Woods system agreed after the Second World War , when currencies were pegged to the dollar and the dollar fixed to gold .

  12. 为了防范各国选择汇率安排的自由可能给国际货币体系带来的危害,IMF强化了对其成员国的政策的监督职能,并辅之以相应的执行措施。

    For fear that some states should take advantage of their options to do damage to the international monetary system , IMF has enhanced its supervisory function over its members ' policies and concurrently taken some relevant enforcement measures .

  13. 最后,各国曾打算寻找一种新的全球储备货币体系,以取代美元的主导地位,但如今,这个一度似乎会成为g20核心议程的议题已变得不那么紧迫。

    Finally , the issue that at one point seemed like it would overshadow the whole G20 presidency , the search for a new global reserve currency system to supplant the dominance of the dollar , has also lost much of its urgency .

  14. 在内部治理改革中,份额的分配是重中之重,它涉及了各个成员国在IMF以及当前货币体系中的利益问题,是IMF能否进一步提升其国际地位和影响力的关键。

    In the internal governance reform , the distribution of the quota share is critical . It involves the stake of each member country in IMF and the current monetary system , and is the key factor to further enhance the international status and influence of IMF .

  15. 比利时裔美籍经济学家罗伯特特里芬(roberttriffin)在上世纪60年代就指出,基于美元的全球货币体系存在缺陷:全球希望得到更多的流动性,将使得美国经常账户出现逆差。

    In the 1960s , Robert Triffin , a belgian-american economist , argued that a global monetary system based on the dollar had a flaw : the increased liquidity the world sought would require current account deficits in the US .

  16. 国际货币体系演进的新兴古典经济学分析

    An emerging classical economic analysis of the International Monetary system evolution

  17. 美国金融危机与国际货币体系改革分析

    Analysis on American Financial Crisis and Reform of International Monetary System

  18. 从国际货币体系视角看次贷危机的产生

    Causes of subprime crisis from the view of international monetary system

  19. 当代国际货币体系运行的理论框架、模式和面临的风险

    Theoretical Framework , Operational Modes and Risk of Current International Monetary System

  20. 国际货币体系的重构与国际资本市场发展前景

    Restructuring of the international monetary system and international capital market development outlook

  21. 欧元与国际货币体系的稳定性研究

    Study of Euro and the Stability of International Monetary System

  22. 金融危机环境下改革货币体系和储备结构的思考

    Suggestions for monetary system and reserve structure adjustments against current financial crisis

  23. 如果答案是否定的,那么全球货币体系无疑将受到影响。

    If not , the global monetary system doubtlessly would be affected .

  24. 金融危机下国际货币体系改革的思考

    Thinking about the Reform of International Monetary System under the Finance Crsis

  25. 欧元:国际货币体系的稳定因素。

    The euro : a stabilising factor of the international monetary system .

  26. 次贷危机对当前国际货币体系的冲击

    The Impact of Sub-prime Crisis to International Monetary System

  27. 现行体系还非常不稳定,正在融入全球化之中的新兴市场经济国家在汇率制度上面临两难选择,国际货币体系需要改革。

    For the emerging market countries , exchange rate arrangement is a dilemma .

  28. 国际货币体系正在发生变化。

    Change is coming to the international monetary system .

  29. 然而,基于美元的全球货币体系确实存在缺陷。

    No. All the same , the dollar-based global monetary system is defective .

  30. 他不能独立于其他国家的货币体系之外。

    It could not stand apart from the world 's other money systems .