
ɡāo ɡài xuè zhènɡ
  • hypercalcemia;calcemia
  1. 高钙血症是一个异常高水平的钙在血液中。

    Hypercalcemia is an abnormally high level of calcium in the blood .

  2. 甲亢厌食和高钙血症的关系分析&临床随机对照研究

    Relationship study between anorexia of hyperthyroidism and hypercalcemia & a clinical randomized controlled trial

  3. 目的观察国产帕米膦酸二钠(APD)对恶性肿瘤溶骨转移疼痛的止痛作用,对恶性肿瘤并发高钙血症的治疗作用,合适的临床剂量及不良反应。

    PURPOSE To evaluate the efficacy , convenient dosage and side effect of pamidronate for metastatic bone pain and hypercalcaemia of malignancy .

  4. 多发性骨髓瘤(MM)是一种浆细胞恶性增殖性疾病,其特点是恶性浆细胞在骨髓微环境中不规则积聚引起的不同程度贫血、骨破坏、肾功能不全、高钙血症和感染。

    Multiple myeloma is a malignant plasma cell disorder . And it is characterized by heterogeneous anemia , bone disease , renal impairment , hypercalcaemia and infections due to patchy accumulation of malignant plasma cells within the marrow microenvironment .

  5. 甲状旁腺素相关蛋白(ParathyroidHormone-relatedProtein,PTHrP)最初作为一种引起恶性肿瘤患者发生高钙血症的蛋白被发现。

    Parathyroid hormone-related protein ( PTHrP ) was identified as a protein produced by tumors that had the ability to cause humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy ( HHM ) .

  6. 结果LCaD治疗3个月后收缩压趋于正常,高钙血症得到纠正,低iPTH患者血清iPTH水平升高,LCaD没有影响活性维生素D的疗效。

    Results After LCaD dialysis for 3 months , systolic blood pressure and serum calcium concentration tended to become normal , iPTH level increased in patients with low iPTH level .

  7. 双膦酸盐治疗恶性肿瘤骨转移并恶性高钙血症的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Treatment on Bone Metastases and Hypercalcemia of Malignancy in Advanced Solid Tumor

  8. 血浆总钙和离子钙测定对肿瘤性高钙血症的诊断意义

    Clinical significance of plasma total calcium and ionized calcium measurement in diagnosis of tumor-associated hypercalcemia

  9. 术前排除其他原因(酒精性、高脂血症、高钙血症等)引起的胰腺炎。

    Excluding other excuses , such as alcohol , Hyperlipidemia or Hypercalcemia to lead pancreatitis .

  10. 其余患者血钙正常或偏高(其中高钙血症的患者占27%),这些患者中有31.8%使用了含钙的磷结合剂和/或活性维生素D。

    31.8 % of the latter took calcium - containing phosphate binders or / and vitamin D.

  11. 对于肾功能正常的患者,慢性高钙血症可能与血清肌酸酐增多有关。

    In patients with normal renal function , chronic hypercalcemia may be associated with an increase in serum creatinine .

  12. 骨髓外浸润、眶内及皮肤浸润多见,肾功能损害、高钙血症、淀粉样变性的发生率较高。

    Extramedullary infiltration , orbit and skin infiltration were more common , and the incidence of renal function impairment , hypercalcemia , and amyloidosis was higher .

  13. 高钙血症和恶性肿瘤骨转移是晚期肿瘤患者的常见疾病,危及患者的生命并给患者带来巨大的痛苦。

    Hypercalcaemia and bone metastases of malignancy are frequently diseases in advanced cancer patients , it threatens patients ' life and brings the patients with great pain .

  14. 急性肾衰可能由血液供给不足、高钙血症或中毒(乙二醇(防冻剂)或氨基糖甙类抗生素)引起。

    Acute renal failure can be caused by loss of blood supply , hypercalcemia , or toxins such as ethylene glycol ( antifreeze ) or aminoglycoside antibiotics .

  15. 骨转移作为肺癌严重的并发症之一,它可引起疼痛、病理性骨折、脊髓压迫、高钙血症等症状[3]。

    Bone metastasis is one of the most severe complications of lung cancer , which cause pain , pathologic fractures , spinal cord compression , and hypercalcemia [ 3 ] .

  16. 含咪唑环的双膦酸盐具有很高的亲骨性,典型的例证是广泛用于治疗肿瘤引起的高钙血症、骨转移和骨质疏松症等方面疾病的唑来膦酸。

    Bisphosphonates with a imidazole ring have higher affinity for bone mineral , and zoledronate is just a good example which is extensively used clinically for the treatment of patients with tumour-induced , hypercalcaemia and osteolytic bone metastases .

  17. 上、下尿路结石的比例为9.28∶1。高钙尿患者27例(13.0%)、高钙血症91例(9.1%)、高尿酸血症167例(17.8%)。

    Ratio of upper and lower urinary tract stone is 9.28 ∶ 1 . There were 27 cases of hypercalcinuria ( 13.0 % ), 91 cases of hypercalcemia ( 9.1 % ), and 167 cases of hyperuricaemia ( 17.8 % ) .

  18. 脊柱转移瘤所造成的病理性骨折、脊髓压迫、高钙血症和骨髓衰竭等并发症,加速了病情的发展,严重地影响恶性肿瘤患者的生存质量。

    Caused by spinal metastases pathological fracture , spinal cord compression , hypercalcemia , and bone marrow failure and other complications , accelerated the development of the disease , which seriously affect the quality of life of patients with malignant tumors .

  19. 结果:止痛的总有效率为87.30%,显效率为53.97%,生活质量改善占57.14%,对高钙血症和减少病理性骨折等方面也有较好疗效。

    RESULTS : The total effective rate in pain relief is 87.30 % , the rate in improvement of quality of life is 57.14 % , and the agent is also effective in treatment of hypercalcemia and prevention of pathological fracture .