
  1. 1969年,鲁冠球开设了一间修车铺,修理老式农业机械。

    In 1969 , Mr Lu opened a workshop to repair old agricultural machinery .

  2. 鲁冠球表示,该公司已从经验中学会如何在美国进行收购。

    Mr Lu says the company has learnt from experience how to manage acquisitions in the US .

  3. 鲁冠球表示,中国的平均工资仍然只有美国的二十分之一。

    Mr Lu says the average wage in China is still only 1-20th of what employers in the us pay .

  4. 鲁冠球表示,在重要的汽车部件方面,外国汽车制造商支付的价格比中国企业高出50%。

    Mr Lu says that foreign carmakers will pay 50 per cent more for an important component than their Chinese competitors .

  5. 在这个过程中,鲁冠球从一个被排挤者,变为中国生机勃勃的新兴私营经济领域的明星。

    In the process , Mr Lu has gone from outcast to shining light of China 's dynamic new private sector .

  6. 鲁冠球表示,现在,在保留部分美国工作机会和利用中国的低成本优势之间,该集团可以轻松找到合理的平衡点。

    Now , Mr Lu says , the group takes time to find the right balance between preserving some jobs in the US and taking advantage of lower costs in China .

  7. 鲁冠球的修车铺经常被关闭;必要的时候,他必须出现在“批斗”会上,就其资本主义路线接受当众批判。

    At times , his repair shop was shut down . On other occasions , Mr Lu had to appear at " struggle " sessions , where he would be denounced for his capitalist tendencies .

  8. 61岁的鲁冠球回忆道:我们不得不忍受这种羞辱,并且坚持下去。此时,他正穿着一身整洁的黑西服,并带着印有公司标志的领带夹。

    " We just had to bear the humiliation and carry on ," says the 61-year old Mr Lu , who now sports a neat , dark suit and a tie-pin with the company logo .

  9. 鲁冠球在接受本报采访时表示:我们看到它们(福特)的资产质量不错,但由于劳动力成本较高,这块业务不一定能盈利。

    We have seen that the quality of their [ Ford 's ] assets is all right , but because of high labour costs the business is not always profitable , Mr Lu said in an interview with the Financial Times .