
  • 网络Ludian;ludian county
  1. 鲁甸县105例HIV/AIDS病例流行病学分析

    Epidemic analysis on 105 cases with HIV / AIDS in Ludian County

  2. 鲁甸县土地可持续利用的生态安全对策建议分析。

    Ludian County , sustainable land use recommendations of the ecological safety measures .

  3. 鲁甸县土地资源生态安全综合评价。

    Ludian County Land Resources Evaluation of Ecological Safety .

  4. 核桃杂交新品系鲁甸县区域性试验初报

    Regionalized Cultivation Experiment of New Hybrid Strains of Juglans sigillata at Ludian County

  5. 地震还造成鲁甸县的交通、供电和通信中断。

    The quake has also cut traffic , electricity , and telecommunications in Ludian County .

  6. 鲁甸县板栗低产成因分析及增产增效途径增加投资所产生的效果

    Analysis on Reasons for Chestnut Low Yield in Ludian County and Measures for Increasing Production and Productivity multiplier effect

  7. 道路关闭使得鲁甸县政府所在地挤满了迫切想为灾区做些事情的志愿者。

    The closing of the quake zone meant the county seat was crawling with clusters of volunteers desperate for something to do .

  8. 云南鲁甸县政府周二上午暂时关闭了通往灾区的道路,因为大量志愿者的涌入使本已受损的道路几乎无法通行。

    Authorities in northern Yunnan 's Ludian county temporarily closed down access to the quake zone Tuesday morning because traffic from volunteers pouring in had made the already damaged access road all but impassable .

  9. 包括至少2500名中国人民解放军官兵在内的7000名营救人员在鲁甸县昭通区附近的受灾区进行工作,在废墟中搜救幸存者,治疗伤员。

    Around 7000 rescuers , including at least 2500 PLA officers and soldiers , are at work in the quake zone near Zhaotong City in Ludian County , searching through rubble and helping the injured .

  10. 中国云南鲁甸县8月3日发生了6.1级地震,已导致数百人丧生,上千名志愿者闻讯赶来,导致公路拥堵,使得官方在派发救援物资以及运送伤员方面面临更大的困难。

    After the 6.1-magnitude tremor struck the county of Ludian , in northern Yunnan province , on Sunday , thousands of volunteers rushed into affected areas , clogging roads and making it harder for authorities to send in supplies and remove the wounded .

  11. 计算得出鲁甸县2000年、2004年、2008年土地资源综合生态安全值,发现这几年间鲁甸县土地生态安全状况虽有改善,但仍处于敏感状态,并对评价结果进行原因分析。

    Calculated Ludian County in 2000 , 2004 , 2008 , the value of ecological security of the Land-use , found that a few years Ludian ecological security of land use rose from a risk-sensitive state of the state , the reason for the evaluation of the results . 3 .