
  • 网络Rubel;rubell;steve rubel
  1. 其合作伙伴包括百仕通集团(TheBlackstoneGroup)的大卫•布里策和对冲基金经理阿特•鲁贝尔。

    His partners include David Blitzer of the Blackstone Group ( BX ) and hedge fund manager art wrubel .

  2. SCOPE(跨越)坐落于温伍德艺术区中央,到达鲁贝尔家族珍藏馆,马格列斯收藏馆以及迈阿密顶级画廊非常方便。

    SCOPE 's venue is centrally located in the Wynwood Art District , convenient to the Rubell Family Collection , the Margulies Collection , as well as Miami 's top galleries .

  3. 在他还是瑞士信贷集团(CreditSuisse)CEO时,身为德国人的格鲁贝尔领导其实现了一次大逆转,后来瑞银董事会选中了他,期望他能再一次上演奇迹。

    Gruebel , who is German and led a turnaround as CEO of Credit Suisse , was tapped by the board of UBS to pull off some magic a second time .

  4. 50岁的吉姆•鲁贝尔是连锁便利店CSTBrands的董事长兼首席执行官。她特别注意带孩子出席公司的活动,谈论拼车或其他家庭义务。

    Kim Lubel , 50 , chairman and chief executive of convenience retailer CST Brands , makes a point of bringing her children to work events and talking about carpool or other family obligations .

  5. 一条令人鼓舞的消息是,鲁贝尔已经和华盛顿大学另一名科学家大卫•雷布尔(DavidRaible)一起合作识别出了能够保护毛细胞不受损害的化学物质。

    One encouraging angle : Dr. Rubel , in collaboration with another University of Washington scientist , David Raible , has identified chemicals that seem to protect hair cells from damage .

  6. “这些年来,我真的甚至在走路的时候都在思索为什么会有这个不同,”听力科学教授埃德•鲁贝尔(EdRubel)说。鲁贝尔负责领导华盛顿大学科研项目的一部分工作。

    ' I literally walked around for years wondering about this variability , 'says Ed Rubel , a professor of hearing sciences who leads part of the University of Washington research effort .

  7. 当鲁贝尔现在13岁的儿子还是个婴儿的时候,她当时的雇主瓦莱罗能源公司(Valero)正在经历一场令人疯狂的转型,几乎需要她每周出差。

    When Lubel 's now-13 year old son was an infant , her then-employer Valero was going through a crazy transition that required her to travel almost weekly .

  8. 鲁贝尔的实验室正在研究这两个进程。

    Dr. Rubel 's lab is investigating both processes . '

  9. 曾经的交易员、现年67岁的格鲁贝尔在瑞士已是一个极易引起争议的人物。

    Gruebel , a67-year-old former trader , was already a polarizing figure in Switzerland .

  10. 格鲁贝尔-劳克斯表示,从技术上而言,在其它地区做不到的事情,他的设计师们也做不了。

    Technically , says Mr Gruber-Laux , there is nothing his designers do that could not be done elsewhere .

  11. 格鲁贝尔还不顾当时瑞士一部分人的反对,为投资银行部门注入大量资源。

    Gruebel has poured resources into the investment banking operation at the same time that some in Switzerland disapprove of it .

  12. 鲁贝尔和雷布尔的团队也在研究斑马鱼的遗传基因,以识别对毛细胞有保护作用的基因标记。

    Dr. Rubel 's and Dr. Raible 's teams also are studying the genetics of zebrafish to identify markers that confer hair-cell protection .

  13. 埃莫蒂于过渡时期获得该职位,其间奥斯瓦德,格鲁贝尔因所谓的流氓交易缺乏监管而辞职。

    Mr Ermotti took the position on an interim basis , when Oswald Gr ü bel resigned over the lack of supervision of an alleged rogue trader .

  14. 最先来的是三只狗&布鲁贝尔、杰西和平彻,然后是猪,他们很快在讲台前面的稻草上就坐。

    First came the three dogs , Bluebell , Jessie and Pincher , and then the pigs , who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform .

  15. 格鲁贝尔-劳克斯表示,另外一个优势在于柏林在时装、音乐和平面设计领域活跃的文化背景,这是一种丰富的灵感源泉,对我们的工作很有用。

    Another is the capital 's vibrant cultural scene in fashion , music and graphic design – a rich vein of inspiration , says Mr Gruber-Laux , which finds its way into our work .