
xiān měi
  • delicious;tasty
鲜美 [xiān měi]
  • [delicious;tasty] 新鲜味美

  • 一种鲜美的混合佐料

鲜美[xiān měi]
  1. 这道菜味道鲜美。

    This dish is very delicious .

  2. Ok!假如我请你吃鲜美的中国食品,并且我来付账。

    Ok ! Suppose I invite you to eat the delicious Chinese food , then I pay the bill .

  3. 烹饪鲜美滑嫩的鸡肉时多加些大蒜,并滴入少许雪利酒。

    Cook pieces of succulent chicken with ample garlic and a little sherry .

  4. 这种鱼的肉异常鲜美。

    The flesh of this kind of fish has exceptional delicacy .

  5. 这道菜非常鲜美可口。

    This course is quite palatable .

  6. 芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。

    On scented grasses fresh and pleasing to the eye lay fallen blossoms in gay profusion .

  7. 咖啡味道鲜美,所以这是一个双赢的局面。

    The   coffee   tastes   delicious ,   so   it 's   a   win-win   on   both   sides .

  8. 它的肉异常鲜美

    Its flesh has exceptional delicacies .

  9. 那些味道多鲜美呀——有热牛奶,土豆皮,粗麦粉,凯洛格牌玉米片,还有祖克曼先生早餐吃剩的酥饼呢。

    The smell was delicious-warm milk , potato skins , wheat middlings , Kellogg 's Corn Flakes12 , and a popover left from the Zuckermans ' breakfast . \# p \#

  10. 这时候鹬飞过,看到一块鲜美的肉在地上,就想吃到嘴里。鹬用嘴一啄,蚌突然感到一阵疼痛,英语小故事立即把蚌壳合了起来。鹬的长嘴就被夹住了。

    A snipe flew over and saw a piece of red meat on the ground , so it dived to the ground and pecked inside because the clam suddenly felt a sharp pain and closed its shell quickly .

  11. 大闸蟹(中华绒螯蟹,EriocheirSinensis)香气独特,味道鲜美,在我国的饮食文化中有着重要的地位。

    Chinese mitten crab ( Eriocheir sinensis ) is a traditional savory food in China with delicious taste and unique pleasant aroma .

  12. 在本区另一端的东极餐厅(TheEastPole)预订一个晚餐位吧,尝一尝以本地产的鲜美肉制品与奶酪做的纽约州菜肴。

    Make a reservation to have dinner across town at The East Pole and get a taste of what New York State has to offer by way of delicious , local produce , meats and cheeses .

  13. 黄鳝(MonopterusalbusZuiew)是我国极具开发价值的名特优经济鱼类之一,因其肉质鲜美,风味独特,深受消费者的喜爱。

    Rice field eel ( Monopterus albus Zuiew ) is a fish variety of high economic value in China and is popular for its delicious taste .

  14. 圆斑星鲽(Veraspervariegatus)属冷温性大型底栖鱼类,是一种味道鲜美的高级食用鱼类。

    Spotted halibut ( Verasper variegatus ), as a cold-temperate macrobenthos , is high-level edible fish with delicious taste .

  15. 团头鲂(Megalobramaamblycephala)是我国重要的草食性经济鱼类之一,因其易饲养,味道鲜美而深受人们喜爱。

    Blunt snout bream ( Megalobrama amblycephala ) is an important herbivorous economic fish , because of its easy to raise and delicious .

  16. BlackCowBistro餐厅专注于该地区非同凡响的肉品。岛上潮湿的天气很适合饲养传统的、肉质鲜美的牲畜,像安格斯(Angus)牛和赫里福德(Hereford)牛,而且在塔斯马尼亚不允许使用促生长剂。

    Black Cow Bistro focuses on exceptional meat from the region -- the island 's damp climate is well-suited to raising traditional , flavorful breeds of cattle such as Angus and Hereford , and no growth promotants can be used in Tasmania .

  17. 大黄鱼(Pseudosciaenacrocea)是我国特有的经济鱼种,以其味道鲜美,营养丰富和极高的药用价值而受到青睐。

    Large yellow croaker ( Pseudosciaena crocea ) is endemic species of China . Because of its taste delicious , the nutrition rich and the extremely high for medicinal purposes value , it was received favor from the masses .

  18. 半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossussemilaevis)是我国一种重要的经济鱼类,它具有肉味鲜美、富含营养、生长迅速等优点。

    Half-smooth tongue sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) is an important economic fish in china , which has delicious taste with high nutritional value and grow fast in aquaculture .

  19. 棘腹蛙(Paaboulengeri),是我国大型的食用蛙类,其肉质鲜美、营养价值极高,广泛分布于我国南方地区。

    Spiny-bellied frog ( Paa boulengeri ) is of high economic value , which is an edible frog in South China because of its meat with delicate quality and delicious taste , and its large body .

  20. 用雄性异源四倍体鲫鲤与雌性二倍体日本白鲫(Carassiusauratuscuvieri)交配产生了不育的三倍体湘云鲫。三倍体湘云鲫具有多种优势,如性腺不育、生长速度快、肉质鲜美、抗病能力强。

    The triploid crucian carp was produced by mating the males of allotetraploids with the females of Japanese crucian carp ( Carassius auratus cuvieri ), which have shown several enhanced performances such as sterility , faster growth rate , good flesh quality and higher anti-disease ability .

  21. 荔枝果实风味鲜美,营养丰富,是我国重要的水果之一。

    The fruit of Litchi chineasis is very delicious and nutritious .

  22. 这家餐厅以鲜美多汁的乐野牛排而闻名遐迩。

    2 this restaurant is celebrated for their juicy rib-eye steak .

  23. 鲜美大饼面包,并不如甜面包作为西葫芦。

    Tasty bannock bread , not as sweet as zucchini bread .

  24. 最贴近骨头的肉通常是最鲜美的。

    The meat nearest the bone is often the most flavoursome .

  25. 他拿起一块鲜美的奶酪放进嘴里。

    He picked up a nice fresh piece and ate it .

  26. 松鼠鱼的鱼肉爽滑细腻,汤汁鲜美异常。

    Such fish-meat tastes refreshing and delicate with extraordinarily delicious juice .

  27. 品尝食物的鲜美,滑落喉咙

    To taste the richness of food , sliding down my throat

  28. 他晚饭请客做了一道鲜美的奶油太妃布丁。

    He made a delicious toffee pudding for his dinner party .

  29. 与鸡肉,米饭,烤鱼或海鲜搭配鲜美无比。

    Enjoy with chicken , rice , grilled fish or seafood .

  30. 将水果和奶酪分开包装以保持其味道鲜美。

    Pack fruit and cheese separately to keep the flavors fresh .