
  • 网络fresh agricultural product
  1. 鲜活农产品供应链管理流通模式的发展为解决这一现实难题提供了新的解决方案。

    The development of fresh agricultural product supply chain management mode provides the new solution .

  2. 实证结果表明:鲜活农产品供应链管理流通模式在整体有效性、技术有效性和规模有效性三个方面优于传统流通模式。

    The demonstration analysis expresses that supply chain management circulation pattern surpass traditional circulation pattern of fresh agricultural product in the whole efficiency , technology efficiency and scale efficiency . 5 .

  3. 并根据SWOT分析矩阵表,给出了不同环境组合情况下鲜活农产品绿色供应链流通模式成员企业所应采取的不同战略。

    We bring up different stratagem which the member enterprises of green supply chain circulation pattern of fresh agricultural product adopt in the different condition combination according as SWOT analysis matrix .

  4. 2007年,昆明国际花卉拍卖中心(KIFA)进行了拍卖系统的改造与流程重组,逐步成为中国最大的,同时也是运营最成功的鲜活农产品拍卖市场。

    In 2007 , the Kunming International Flower Auction Centre ( KIFA ) have proceed auction system reforming and process reengineering , after that , it become not only the largest but also the most successful auction market of fresh agricultural products gradually .

  5. 发展绿色通道推进鲜活农产品物流建设

    Develop Green Passage and Further Logistics Construction of Fresh Farm Product

  6. 我国鲜活农产品物流系统绩效评价指标体系构建研究

    Construction of Performance Evaluation Indicator on Fresh Agricultural Products Logistics System

  7. 鲜活农产品配送中心设立的成本效益均衡模型

    Cost Benefit Equilibrium Model of Logistics Distribution Centre for the Fresh Agricultural Products

  8. 广东省鲜活农产品现代物流配送模式的选择

    Modern Logistics and Distribution Mode Selection of Fresh Agricultural Produc in Guangdong Province

  9. 超市采购鲜活农产品存在问题及对策

    Procurement Problems and Countermeasures about Supermarket Fresh Agricultural Products

  10. 基于蚁群算法鲜活农产品配送路径优化研究

    On the Optimization of Distribution Routes for Fresh Agricultural Products Based on Ant Algorithm

  11. 基于预算限制的鲜活农产品配送系统选址&分配模型研究

    Location and Allocation Model of Fresh Agriculture Products Distribution System Based on Budget Limitation

  12. 哈尔滨是黑龙江省鲜活农产品物流系统主要的配送中心。

    Harbin is a major logistics distribution center of Heilongjiang province for fresh agricultural products .

  13. 我国鲜活农产品流通渠道现状、问题和对策

    The Circulation Channel of the Fresh-agri Products in China : Current Situation 、 Problems and Suggested Solutions

  14. 本论文是关于我国鲜活农产品供应链价格风险生成机理与管理机制的研究。

    The dissertation focuses on the price risk formative mechanism and management of fresh agricultural products supply chain .

  15. 基于多属性第二评分拍卖模型的物流交易研究&基于鲜活农产品物流的仿真实验

    Research on Logistics Transaction Based on Multi-attribute Second-score Auction Model : Simulation Experiment from Market of Fresh Agricultural Product

  16. 蔬菜作为鲜活农产品,是农产品质量安全最受关注的一类产品。

    Vegetable as fresh agricultural product is the most concerned agricultural product in the aspect of quality and safety .

  17. 特别是进一步完善鲜活农产品运输绿色通道政策,蔬菜流通成本有效降低。

    The especially further perfect and flexible agricultural products transports a green channeling policy , the vegetable circulates cost effective step-down .

  18. 但是,宜昌市鲜活农产品物流才刚起步,严重制约了宜昌市农业发展。

    However , logistics about fresh and living agricultural products which just started has restricted the agricultural development in the city .

  19. 陕西省鲜活农产品资源丰富,是我国重要的鲜活农产品生产基地之一。

    Shaanxi , which is one of the most important fresh food production base in China , has rich fresh food resources .

  20. 我国的农产品批发市场是鲜活农产品流通的主渠道。

    Agricultural products wholesale markets ( hereinafter called " APWM ") have been main channel for circulation of fresh agricultural products in China .

  21. 蔬菜作为人们日常生活中必需的鲜活农产品,其食用的安全性日益引起重视。

    Vegetables , being regarded as necessary fresh farm products in people 's daily life , its edible security is aroused attention increasingly .

  22. 鲜活农产品具有“鲜活”的特性,因而在物流时间、物流环节、物流空间、物流设备等方面有着特殊的要求。

    Because of the fresh characteristics of fresh agricultural products , there are special requirements in logistic time , link , space and equipments .

  23. 打造高标准鲜活农产品集散中心、信息交流中心和物流配送中心。

    A business distributing center for vegetable and fruit is planning to be built , combining wholesale , processing , freezing , storage and logistic .

  24. 蔬菜、水果、花卉等鲜活农产品易腐易烂不易久存,在大规模交易时尤其适合于拍卖方式。

    Agricultural products such as Vegetables , fruit , flowers and plants are easily rotten , especially suit for the auction way when large-scale transactions .

  25. 而鲜活农产品的物流成本过高也成为制约我国鲜活农产品参与国际竞争的障碍。

    But the high cost of logistics in fresh produce is one of the obstacles that restricting our fresh produce to participate in the international competition .

  26. 从鲜活农产品物流系统设计过程带有建站启动经费预算限制的角度出发,研究了一类带有预算限制的选址-分配问题。

    The paper focuses on fresh agriculture products logistics system with budget limitation during the process of facilities arrangement and studies a kind of location-allocation problem .

  27. 研究了时间约束下收益共享契约对一个生产商(如生产基地)和单个零售商(如超市)组成的鲜活农产品供应链的协调作用。

    We study a two-level fresh and live agricultural product supply chain consisting of producer , and retailer in the time constraints of a revenue sharing contract .

  28. 近年来,随着拍卖行业的迅速崛起,将拍卖理论应用于鲜活农产品方面的实践时代也随之而来。

    Lately , with the rapid rise of the auction industry , the practice age of applying the auction theory for fresh agriculture products is coming too .

  29. 民以食为天,食以菜为先,蔬菜是人类必不可缺的日常生活资料,是特殊的鲜活农产品。

    Hunger breeds discontentment , feed with food for the first , vegetable is the indispensable human daily life information , which is special for fresh agricultural products .

  30. 鲜活农产品供应链是指在鲜活农产品生产、流通过程中所涉及到的生产资料供应商、生产商、分销商、零售商以及最终消费者连成一体的功能网链结构模式。

    The fresh and live agricultural product supply chain consists of suppliers , producers , distributors , retailers , and consumers . It is fused function network model .