  • bonito;skipjack
  • 〔~鱼〕身体呈纺锤形,大部分无鳞,头大嘴尖,肉可食,生活在热带海洋中。

  • 〔~鸟〕鲣鸟科各种类的通称。体形像鸭,食鱼类,分布于热带太平洋西部。

  • (鰹)

  1. 可能是智利狐鲣的北方种类。

    Probably a northern strain of Chile bonito .

  2. 美洲太平洋沿岸常见的狐鲣;它深色多油的肉能做成好的罐头。

    Common bonito of Pacific coast of the Americas ; its dark oily flesh cans well .

  3. 鲭;金枪鱼;青花鱼科的海产鱼;鲣;旗鱼;旗鱼。

    Mackerels ; tunas ; albacores ; bonitos ; swordfishes ; sailfishes .

  4. 在某些分类中,被认为是由海鲣组成的独立的一科。

    In some classifications considered a separate family comprising the oceanic bonitos .

  5. 鲣肝脏水解物对大鼠脂肪代谢的影响

    The effect of the hydrolyte of Katsuwonus pelamis liver on lipid metabolism in rats

  6. 鲣节霉中的几种肽酶的研究

    Study on peptidases of dried skipjack mildew

  7. 如果用传统的狐鲣鱼汤,应该很简便,但我没用那种汤。

    It would have been easy to use traditional dashi for the broth , but I chose to forgo it .

  8. 东海舵鲣的早期发育和生殖习性鲣节霉中的几种肽酶的研究

    On the early development and the reproductive behaviour of Auxis in Dong hai , china study on peptidases of dried skipjack mildew

  9. 已调制或保藏鲣类,整条或片块(剁碎者除外),罐头。

    Skipjack and bonito ( Sarda spp. ), whole or in pieces , but not minced , prepared or preserved , canned .

  10. 太平洋中价值可观的海洋群局金枪鱼,大西洋中较少;可达75磅;与鲣很相象。

    Oceanic schooling tuna of considerable value in Pacific but less in Atlantic ; reaches 75 pounds ; very similar to if not the same as oceanic bonito .

  11. 鲣鱼种类丰富,族群几乎遍布全球水域。太平洋鲣鱼又称正鲣,多在南美洲沿岸活动,是当地第二大受欢迎的鱼类。

    There are several varieties of Bonito found throughout both hemispheres , the Pacific Bonito - known as Skipjack Tuna - that schools primarily along the coasts of South America being the second most popular of these fish .
