  • gull
  • 鸟类的一科,羽毛多为白色,嘴扁平,前趾有蹼,翼长而尖。生活在湖海上,捕食鱼、螺等:海~。~盟(与鸥鸟为友,借指退隐)。


(鸟类的一科) gull:

  • 海鸥

    sea gull

  1. n.鸥他们很高兴能看到海欧在天空飞翔,因为这表示他们有希望要靠岸了。

    gull They were very pleased to see some gulls flying in the sky , full of hope that they would soon get ashore .

  2. 唯一的大鸥之子,我猜想吧。

    The only son of the great gull , I suppose .

  3. 管理员把我们带到斜坡上的一处有利位置,我们从那里看到了下面岩石上的银鸥。

    The warden took us to a vantage point on the slopes where we saw herring gulls on the rocks below .

  4. 其中,家麻雀数量位居榜首,紧随其后的是欧椋鸟、环嘴鸥和家燕。

    The house sparrow tops the charts , followed closely by the European starling , the ring-billed gull1 , and the barn swallow .

  5. 采用MS培养基对观赏甘蓝白珊瑚、红鸥进行组织培养。

    Adopting MS incubation media , tissue culture Brassica oleracea white coral , red sea-gull .

  6. 鸟岛中鸟类栖息密度达1&2只/m2,而鸥类可达10.只/m2。

    The density of the bird in the islands is very hight with 1-2 indiv . / m , especially the Gulls density come up 10 indiv . / m.

  7. A型流感病毒的自然宿主是野生水禽、鸥和岸基鸟,而家鸭也是AIVs巨大的储存库,同时也被认为是AIVs从自然宿主到陆生家禽传播的一个重要中间宿主。

    The natural host for influenza A virus is believed to be wild waterfowls , gulls and shorebirds . Domestic ducks are a great pool of AIVs and considered as an intermediate host between wild waterfowls and land-based poultry .

  8. 鸥群安静下来,乔纳森感到很窘,不知所措。

    The Flock fell silent , and Jonathan fidgeted in embarrassment .

  9. 或者可以回去,继续在鸥群中努力。

    Or you can go back and keep working in the flock .

  10. 拒绝加入你出生的鸥群。

    For refusing to join the flock to which you were born .

  11. 你不希望得到鸥群的保护。

    You do not wish the protection of the flock .

  12. 赤色鸥有朱红色的细嘴和双腿。

    The yurikamome gull has a vermilion bill and legs .

  13. 那边的鸥群会过着多么不同的生活。

    What a different life the flock back there would 've had .

  14. 也被称为大鸥之子吗?

    Also known as the son of the great gull ?

  15. 不幸的是,坏天气往往是观察黑脊鸥的最佳时刻。

    Bad weather is , unfortunately , the best time to look .

  16. 我当然要回到鸥群里去。

    I want to go back to the Flock , of course .

  17. 小工具都聚集在狎鸥亭(这座城市的电子购物区)。

    Gadget-philes flock to Apgujeong , the city 's densest electronics-shopping district .

  18. 我以前的鸥群,我不爱他们呀。

    My old flock . I don 't love them .

  19. 对大鸥辨识而言确认年龄是很重要的。

    It is important to be sure of the age of big gulls .

  20. 风把一只喜鹊抛向远处,一只黑背鸥

    The wind flung a magpie away and a black

  21. 并领导整个鸥群朝向那个方向。

    And leading the whole flock in that direction .

  22. 像剪丝绸一样,这只黑剪嘴鸥寻找午餐。

    Like cutting silk , this black skimmer looks for something for lunch .

  23. 况且有鸥群的法律!

    And it 's the law of the flock !

  24. 歌词,这是我给你的讯息鸥鸥。

    Sayin , this is my message to you-ou-ou .

  25. 鸥飞行中的盘旋滑翔。

    The gliding spiral of a gull 's flight .

  26. 我将教其他人,教鸥群怎么飞!

    I 'll teach the others . I 'll show the flock how !

  27. 与剪嘴鸥属同延;剪嘴鸥。

    Coextensive with the genus rynchops : skimmers .

  28. 到了早晨,鸥群已经忘记了自己那阵疯狂劲儿,但弗莱契没忘。

    By morning the Flock had forgotten its insanity , but Fletcher had not .

  29. 青岛沿岸鸥类越冬习性的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the habit of over-wintering gulls in the coast of Qingdao

  30. 这是你的新鸥群,强纳森。

    This is your new flock , jonathan .