
yě gǒu
  • Wild dog;pie-dog;pye-dog;pi-dog
野狗[yě gǒu]
  1. 一条野狗走近他。

    A stray dog came up to him .

  2. 他常常拿着一根棍子防野狗。

    He always carries a stick to ward off wild dogs .

  3. 只有两只野狗从这场混乱中得到了好处

    Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion .

  4. 我们从未在家狗身上发现任何存在于非洲野狗豺山狗身上的线粒体DNA

    so we never see a mitochondrial signature of saying An african wild dog , jackal or coyote in a domestic dog .

  5. 山间一片热带风光,两个车道的A-7公路两侧种满果树,无处不在的野狗和名叫“tuk-tuk”的亚洲三轮出租车不时制造小小的交通事故。

    The hills were tropical , and fruit stands girdled the two-lane A-7 highway , which had little traffic beyond the ubiquitous feral dogs and three-wheeled Asian taxis known as tuk-tuks .

  6. Bradshaw认为,野狗和土狗相比于狼而言,与宠物狗的祖先更相近,彼此之间更加包容,它们的组织与野狼或是捕获的狼都是截然不同的。

    Mr Bradshaw says that feral or " village " dogs , which are much closer to the ancestors of pet dogs than they are to wolves , are highly tolerant of one another and organise themselves entirely differently from either wild or captive wolves .

  7. 我点了各式“bruschette(面包)“spaghetticacioepepe”(简单的罗马特色菜,添加起司与胡椒),以及一小只烤鸡。烤鸡最后我和一条盯着我吃午饭的野狗分享了。

    I order an assortment of bruschette , some spaghetti cacio e pepe ( that simple Roman specialty of pasta served with cheese and pepper ) and then a small roast chicken , which I end up sharing with the stray dog who has been watching me eat my lunch the way only a stray dog can .

  8. 我感觉就像野狗追逐脏老鼠一样恶心。

    Ah , I feel like a dog chasing dirty mice .

  9. 随机野狗遇到现在可以包含红色的狗。

    Random wild dog encounters may now contain red colored dogs .

  10. 跟一群澳洲疯野狗跳舞。

    That she was dancing with a bunch of crazy dingoes .

  11. 就像我如何关照路边的野狗那样。

    Done my duty like I would for any lame dog .

  12. 别让外面的野狗靠近它。

    Don 't let any stray mutts get near her .

  13. 它们都没有意识到野狗穿过灌木正在向他们接近。

    Neither one sees the dingo approaching through the brush .

  14. 帮他找份挖水沟或者抓野狗的工作。

    Get him a job digging ditches or rounding up stray dogs .

  15. 在的世纪里,非洲野狗的急剧下降。

    The African wild dog has declined drastically over the past century .

  16. 格林把十只驯服了的野狗养在隔离的实验围栏里。

    Green kept 10 tame dingoes in separate laboratory pens .

  17. 也许这条野狗知道自己不是狮子的对手。

    Perhaps the Jackal realizes he is no match for the lion .

  18. 看到非洲野狗的可能性大的地方应是国家公园。

    In a national park in African south of the Sahara Desert .

  19. 过去,野狗的数量接近50万;

    In the past , the numbers were nearly half a million ;

  20. 野狗是需要驯的。

    This is the way to handle wild dogs .

  21. 野狗在后面追我,我没命地跑。

    I ran for my life when the wild dog was chasing me .

  22. 狼和野狗愤然离会表示抗议。

    The wolves and dingoes walked out in protest .

  23. 澳大利亚的野狗在游荡。

    Australia 's wild dog , the dingo , is on the prowl .

  24. 野狗型的另一类是有恋友情结的男人。

    There is another type of wild dogs love friendship knot of men .

  25. 伯30:29我与野狗为弟兄、鸵鸟为同伴。

    I have become a brother to jackals And a companion of ostriches .

  26. 在森林中他遇到过野猪,野狗和狼。

    He encounter boar , wild dog , and wolves in the woods .

  27. 只有两条野狗从这一片混乱中得到了好处

    Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion

  28. 非洲野狗仅出没于非洲南部的撒哈拉沙漠。

    African wild dogs are only found in Africa south of the Sahara Desert .

  29. 丛林狼和野狗的杂交后代。

    Offspring of a coyote and a dog .

  30. 在自然世界野狗并不会真的吠叫

    In the natural world , dogs ' wild relatives don 't really bark .