
  • 网络Pinctada maxima;maxima;Pinctada maxima Jameson
  1. 大珠母贝对常用饵料摄食及消化能力研究

    The Feeding Ability and Digestion of Pinctada maxima to Common Diets

  2. 大珠母贝幼虫早期的摄食习性

    The early feeding habits of the larvae of Pinctada maxima

  3. 大珠母贝金属硫蛋白cDNA序列克隆与表达研究

    CDNA Cloning and Expression of a Metallothionein Gene in the Pearl Oyster Pinctada Maxima

  4. 大珠母贝pmAMY基因的2个内含子都起始于GT,终止于AG,符合内含子共同剪接位点序列。

    Both of the two introns sequences began from GT and ended as AG , which was consistent with common sequences of intron splice sites . 4 .

  5. 培养基组分对hCG核酸疫苗质粒拷贝数的影响大珠母贝人工苗水泥池中间培育技术研究

    Effect of Medium Composition on Plasmid Amplification of hCG DNA Vaccine Preliminary Study on the Intermediate Culture Technology of Artificial Pinctada maxima Spats in Cement Pond

  6. 鳡人工繁殖及苗种池塘培育技术初步研究大珠母贝人工苗水泥池中间培育技术研究

    Preliminary Study on the Intermediate Culture Technology of Artificial Pinctada maxima Spats in Cement Pond

  7. 克隆获得大珠母贝pmAMY基因序列,含3个外显子和2个内含子。

    We obtained the alpha amylase gene of P. maxima with 3 exons and 2 introns .

  8. 大珠母贝珍珠层的结构色是由文石板片和蛋白质层构成的多层薄膜结构和黄色素的共同作用决定的。

    The structural color of nacre in bivalve shells of Pinctada maxima is derived from the combination effects of aragonite-protein multilayer structure and yellow pigments in nacre .

  9. 通过人工育苗获取受精卵,在显微镜下对大珠母贝和企鹅珍珠贝的幼虫发育过程进行观察和拍照,记录两种珍珠贝幼虫期的形态变化。

    After the insemination , by a microscope , we observed and photographed the development of P.maxima and P.penguin pearl oyster larvae starting from the fertilized egg and researched the morphological changes of the two kinds of pearl oyster larval stage . 5 .