
  • 网络ostracod;ostracoda
  1. 聚类分析和MDS分析表明,北部湾浮游介形类为一个结构相对稳定的群落,秋、冬季可看成是一个群落的2个亚群;

    Based on the cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis , planktonic Ostracoda in the Beibu Gulf was a community of stable structure , while in autumn and winter , the community also could be divided into two different sub-communities .

  2. 阿拉斯加北端海岸带的现代介形类与环境

    Recent Ostracoda and environment in coastal zone , the northwest Arctic Alaska

  3. 不同pH值水溶液对现生介形类壳体保存的影响

    Preliminary studies on effects of different pH values on carapaces of living ostracods

  4. 介形类壳体中Sr/Ca及Mg/Ca比值的ICP-AES测定

    Determination of sr / ca and mg / ca ratios in ostracod shells with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry

  5. 四川嘉定群介形类及其时代

    Ostracod Fauna from Jiading group in Sichuan and its geological age

  6. 鄂西早石炭世介形类的新材料

    New material of ostracods from the lower Carboniferous in Western Hubei

  7. 柴达木盆地第四系介形类化石带与磁性柱

    Quaternary ostracode zones and magneto stratigraphic profile in the Qaidam Basin

  8. 内蒙古二连盆地西部早白垩世介形类

    Early Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Western eren basin , Nei Mongol

  9. 山东莱阳盆地早白垩世中期非海相介形类

    Middle Early Cretaceous nonmarine ostracods from the Laiyang basin , shandong

  10. 化石丰富,包括介形类、腹足类、藻类等门类化石。

    It contains abundant fossils such as ostracodes gastropodes algae , etc.

  11. 闽西船山组上部的介形类调节阀的卸载机理及新型结构的调节阀

    The Unloading Mechanism of Control Valve and a New Type Control Valve

  12. 云南曲靖晚志留世和早泥盆世介形类

    Late Silurian and Early Devonian Ostracodes from the Qujing area , Yunnan

  13. 福建二叠纪介形类两新属

    Two New Genera of Fossil Ostracoda From Permian in Fujian

  14. 介形类的形态学及其环境、功能和分类学意义

    Morphology of ostracods and its significance of environment , function and taxonomy

  15. 湖相介形类壳体地球化学在环境变化研究中的应用与进展

    Lacustrine Ostracodes as Environmental Change Indicators : Application and Advance

  16. 新疆塔里木盆地北部晚奥陶世中期介形类

    Ostracodes from the Ordovician of northern Tarim basin , xinjiang

  17. 黔西滇东北晚二叠世及早三叠世介形类化石

    Late Permian and Early Triassic ostracods of Western Guizhou and northeastern Yunnan

  18. 同种介形类壳体的多态性兼及化石介形类的物种鉴定

    Polymorphism in the Ostracod carapace and the diagnosis of fossil ostracod species

  19. 我国西南部地区早期中生代一些介形类化石

    Early Mesozoic ostracods from some localities in Southwest China

  20. 渤海湾西岸地区晚更新世介形类的几个新种

    Some new Ostracodes from the Epipleistocene of the western coast , Bohai Gulf

  21. 四川江油一些志留纪及泥盆纪介形类

    Some Silurian and Devonian Ostracodes from jiangyou , Sichuan

  22. 云南景谷盆地晚第三纪介形类

    Late Tertiary nonmarine OSTRACODS FROM Jinggu basin , yunnan

  23. 大庆油田介形类化石在油层对比中的应用

    Application of fossil Ostracoda to the correlation of the oil-bearing deposits of Daqing

  24. 南京地区中三叠世介形类化石及其意义

    New recognition on Middle Triassic ostracods from the Nanjing area and their significance

  25. 黔南泥盆纪浮游介形类的发现及其意义

    Discovery of Devonian entomozoids ( ostracoda ) from Southern Guizhou and its significance

  26. 吉林省延边地区白垩纪介形类

    Cretaceous ostracods from the Yanbian area , Jilin Province

  27. 甘肃靖远晚侏罗世非海相介形类

    Upper Jurassic non-marine OSTRACODS FROM jingyuan , Gansu Province

  28. 河南荥阳、巩县地区太原组介形类

    Ostracoda from the Taiyuan Formation of Xingyang and Gong Xian districts , henan

  29. 塔里木盆地东北地区早二叠世介形类化石

    Ostracods from the Early Permian of the Northeast Area of the Tarim Basin

  30. 长江口及邻近海域浮游介形类的分布与季节变化

    Seasonal Distribution of Pelagic Ostracoda in the Changjiang Estuary and Its Adjacent Waters