
yě wài zuò yè
  • field operations
  1. 论自然保护区野外作业中的不测事件与对策

    Unexpected misfortunes and their countermeasures in field operations in natural reserves

  2. 文中介绍了野外作业中,常用轮胎的分类、规格、选择、使用、维修等内容。

    The paper introduced such contents as category , specifications , selection , usage and repair of tyres during field operations .

  3. 勘探队员成天在野外作业,没有一定的住处。

    The prospectors are always out in the field and never settle down in a fixed place .

  4. 野外作业饮食卫生HACCP管理关键点的调查与分析

    Application of HACCP system in the management of canteen in field work site and performance analysis

  5. 编制了相应PC-1500计算机的全部计算程序,供野外作业使用。

    The correspondingly calculating programs for PC-1500 computer which provide the use for field operation are compiled .

  6. 随后重点对远程接入网络技术中的接入模式和接入网络的选择进行分析研究,针对工程机械行业的特殊需求,提出适合工程机械野外作业的基于GPRS的远程监控网络方案;

    Secondly , the thesis focuses on analyzing and studying the choices of remote network access technology and accessing model , designing a GPRS remote monitoring network scheme suitable for construction machinery trade .

  7. 制定了中原油田卫星通信方案,解决了ISP无法提供提供互连网接入的沙漠、沼泽等野外作业队生产数据实时传输和处理。

    We solved ISP to be unable provides interlocks open country working party production data real-time transmission and processing and so on desert , bog which the net turned on .

  8. 地震勘探设计与评价(SED)技术,是在对地质目标的理论分辨率计算和分析基础上,通过室内计算机模拟不同施工参数条件下的野外作业效果,最终实现地震采集参数的优化选择。

    The seismic survey evaluation and design ( SED ) technology is realized on the basis of the theoretic resolution calculation and information analysis on the geological prospect .

  9. 提出:(1)在海拔4000m以上高原野外作业每个劳动日为5h~6h;

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) The standard daily working time for field work above sea level 4 000 m is suggested 5 ~ 6 hours ;

  10. 该车适用于作战部队伙食单位野外作业的炊事后勤保障;

    This trailer is available for kitchen support in field work .

  11. 冷环境对野外作业人员的影响及防护对策

    The Influence of Cold Enviroment on Outdoor Individuals and Its Preventions

  12. 一种适于野外作业的便携式光纤电场传感器

    Portable Fiber-optical Electric Field Sensor Application on Wild Field Work

  13. 用途广泛,可用于高空作业,野外作业,室内装修等。

    Widely used in aloft work , field work , interior decoration etc.

  14. 仪器的各项指标符合勘探规程,适用于野外作业的恶劣、简陋条件。

    The indexes of the transforming system meet all requirement of geological exploration .

  15. 干热环境对野外作业工人健康的影响

    Effects of Arid and Hot Environment on the Health of Oil Field Workers

  16. 野外作业中轮胎的选择和使用

    Selection and usage of tyres in field operation

  17. 他那时刚刚结束野外作业。

    He was just back from the field .

  18. 油田作业队野外作业安全照明系统研究与开发

    On Research and Development of Safety Lighting System in Fieldwork of Oil Field Operation Team

  19. 再过几年,他就要老了,不能再做这种艰苦的野外作业了。

    In a few years he would be getting too old for the hard fieldwork .

  20. 目的:研究油田野外作业女工职业紧张与工作能力的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between occupational stress and work ability on female workers .

  21. 目的:研究干热环境对野外作业工人健康的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of arid and hot environment on oil worker 's health .

  22. 该装置具有小型化和可移动性的特点,能用于野外作业。

    This equipment has the miniaturization and the transportable characteristic , can use in the field work .

  23. 我可以在很大程度上独立完成工作,并且我乐于走访野外作业人员和其它工作场所。

    I can work independently to a large extent , and I enjoy visiting field crews and other sites .

  24. 对于在野外作业、工作人员不宜停留的场所,利用无线数传技术实现远程控制可以得到很好的效果。

    Considering the abominable environment of outdoor field work , we may use wireless communicate technology to realize long-range control .

  25. 针对某无人驾驶飞艇中安装罗盘吊舱的工作状态,提出适合于野外作业环境无外部航向基准时数字磁罗盘的自差校正方法。

    This paper proposed a magnetic deviation calibration strategy suitable to implementing on spot for an unmanned airship without high-accuracy heading references .

  26. 本文介绍从便携式数码调绘到野外作业的便携式测量系统应用与发展。

    This paper introduced the development and application from the mobile digital identified system to the mobile surveying system for field job .

  27. 他肩上是桔黄色的背带,是经常在野外作业的人穿的那种。

    Over his shoulders were wide orange suspenders , the kind worn by people who spent a lot of time in wilderness areas .

  28. 最后分别进行了室内模拟实验和野外作业实验,结果表明系统运行良好,达到实际使用要求。

    Experiments which were proceeded inside and outside room in the end indicated the system run well and achieved the requirement of practice usage .

  29. 自行式炊事车适用于部队、勘探、石油、电力、通信和抢险等野外作业单位炊事后勤保障。

    The vehicle is available for field kitchen logistics support such as troops , prospect , petroleum , power , communications and wrecking work .

  30. ·使用新型大规模电子器件,系统结构紧凑,重量轻,适合野外作业。

    · The system , which was made up of large-scale electronic chips , is small , light and portable , and suitable for field use .