
yě cān qū
  • picnic area
  1. 在野餐区内请勿乱扔垃圾。

    Please do not leave any litter in the picnic area .

  2. 我们在河边找到了一片野餐区。

    We found a picnic area down beside the river .

  3. 有棚野餐区;石板瓦屋顶的房子;棕榈叶搭建的顶棚。

    Roofed picnic areas ; a slate-roofed house ; palmleaf-roofed huts .

  4. 没错,这就是代表野餐区的那个中文文字。

    Right , the famous Chinese character for picnic area .

  5. 艾伦开拓了一条到新野餐区的路,我们都跟着他。

    Alan blazed a trail to the new picnic area and we all followed .

  6. 几条狗在野餐区跳来跳去。

    The dogs frisked about the picnic area .

  7. 请到野餐区集合

    they 're gathering in the picnic area .

  8. 在20世纪30年代,特殊劳动队建造许多路边的喷泉、野餐区和风景名胜。

    Through the1930s many roadside fountains , picnic areas and scenic overviews were built by special labor crews .

  9. 不用,公园的野餐区有大型烤炉。只要别忘了带大夹子和免洗筷就行。

    No. There are huge grills at the picnic area in the park . Just don 't forget the tongs and disposable chopsticks .

  10. 这座由帆布覆盖的轻量级塔底下有着多功能的娱乐设备包含操场,图书馆,会议室和野餐区。

    The mixed-use recreational facility combines playgrounds , a library , a conference space and picnic areas under a lightweight tower covered in sail cloth material .

  11. 迄今,这一计划已经完成了将近两百个项目,其中包括旅游休息站、旅游信息中心、旅游野餐区和旅游观景台。

    The initiative has so far resulted in close to200 built projects , ranging from stopping points , information centres , picnic areas and observation platforms .

  12. 生态塔基略有凹陷到周围的花园,和一个大圆顶创造休闲空间,野餐区,图书馆和会议区。

    The base of the eco tower is slightly sunken into the surrounding gardens , and a large dome creates recreational space , picnic areas , a library , and a conference area .

  13. 达伦·克西,佛罗里达州萨拉索塔一个无家可归的男子,被控盗窃罪后关进监狱,他在公共野餐区使用插座给他的手机充电。

    Darren Kersey , a homeless man in Sarasota , Florida , was charged with theft and thrown in jail when he used an outlet in a public picnic area to charge his phone .

  14. 野餐烧烤区设计之研究

    Study on planning and designing of picnic area