
yě cǎo méi
  • wild strawberry;wood strawberry
野草莓[yě cǎo méi]
  1. 在“野草莓(WildStrawberry)”的结尾,那个主角,一个上了年纪的教授,终于在最后和他的家庭以及过去和解。

    At the end of " Wild Strawberries " the hero , an aged professor , is belatedly reconciled with his family and his past .

  2. 在纽约港35层以上的高空,弗雷德・里奇(FredRich)可在自己的日本枫树、云杉和松树林中漫步,亦或坐在挂着葡萄藤的棚架下,棚架的铺地石间生长着野草莓和百里香。

    Thirty-five stories above New York Harbor , Fred Rich can stroll through his groves of Japanese maple , spruce and pine trees or sit under a pergola hung with grape vines , where wild strawberries and thyme grow between the paving stones .

  3. 在《野草莓》中,伯格曼用主角IsakBorg表现了那段时间折磨他自己的情感的极度不适。

    In " Wild Strawberries ," Bergman uses the protagonist , Isak Borg , to portray the extreme emotional discomfort that plagued Bergman at the time .

  4. 野草莓有2厘米长的果实。

    The wild strawberry has fruits that are2cm long .

  5. 一个夹野草莓酱,另一个夹杏仁酱。还要个可乐。

    One is raspberry jam , another one is almond jam and coke please .

  6. 把微湿的野草莓叶染黄。

    And yellow the wet wild-strawberry leaves .

  7. 不同海拔高度上,野草莓分株种群密度在不同光照条件下的变化存在显著差异。

    The interaction of elevation by light was significant with respect to ramet population density .

  8. 它染黄我们头顶上浆果的叶子,又染黄湿漉漉的野草莓的睡裙。

    Yellow the leaves of the rowan above us , And yellow the wet wild-strawberry leaves .

  9. 通过盆栽实验,研究了匍匐茎草本野草莓在异质性光照条件下的克隆整合。

    A container experiment was conducted to study clonal integration of stoloniferous Fragaria vesca under light heterogeneity .

  10. 施洗约翰节前夕,阿黛勒在海村小路上采了半天的野草莓,累坏了,太阳一落山就上床睡觉。

    On Midsummer-eve , Adele , weary with gathering wild strawberries in Hay Lane half the day , had gone to bed with the sun .

  11. 夏日的田园,在丛林中精选的牛奶和野草莓,以及户外的寻欢作乐,显示了过去时光的甜蜜与简洁。

    Summer idylls in the woods featured milk and wild strawberries , as well as al fresco sex , to show the sweetness and brevity of passing time .

  12. 野草莓树一种浆果莓属的宽叶常绿树或灌木,包括浆果莓及草莓树,大多生长于美洲和欧洲的温暖地带。

    Any of various broad-leaved evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus arbutus , including the madro ? And strawberry tree , that are native chiefly to warm regions in the Americas and europe .

  13. 包括亚洲紫色野牡丹和草莓番石榴在内的外来物种肆意繁殖,威胁了脆弱的本地物种,如无刺玫瑰和树厥的生长。

    Invaders such as purple-flowered Asian melastome and strawberry guava threaten to overrun delicate Hawaiian natives such as thornless roses and delicate tree ferns .

  14. 野百合花和野草莓没有被人赏识,

    The wild thyme unseen and the wild strawberry ,