
bāng jiāo
  • diplomatic relations;relations between two countries;intercourse between nations
邦交 [bāng jiāo]
  • [diplomatic relations;intercourse between nations] 古代诸侯国之间的交往,泛指国与国之间的外交关系

邦交[bāng jiāo]
  1. 报界把这件事看作是两国之间即将恢复邦交的预兆。

    The press saw the event as a straw in the wind that augured the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries .

  2. 我们和北韩并没有邦交。

    We 've got no diplomatic relations with that country .

  3. 两国一致同意正常邦交关系应建立在互不干涉内政的基础之上。

    Both countries agreed that normal relations would be based on non-interference in each other 's internal affairs .

  4. 相距极远的两国有一种亲睦的邦交。

    A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world .

  5. 福田康夫的父亲福田纠夫(takeofukuda)曾在1978年任首相时恢复中日邦交。

    Takeo Fukuda , father of the Japanese leader , reestablished diplomatic ties with China in 1978 when he was Prime Minister .

  6. 她怎么看各国未来的邦交呢?

    How did she feel about the future friendship of nations ?

  7. 邦交在各诸侯国的发展过程中起着非常重要的作用。

    Diplomacy had much function in each development process of various states .

  8. 日韩邦交正常化背景探析

    Background of the Normalization between Japan and Republic of Korea

  9. 今年恰逢中日邦交正常化35周年。

    This year marks the35th anniversary of normalization of China-Japan diplomatic ties .

  10. 但我们即将断绝邦交

    but we 're about to cut off diplomatic ties .

  11. 民间贸易与中日邦交正常化

    Nongovernmental Trade and Normalization of the Diplomatic Relations Between China and Japan

  12. 恢复邦交乔治和他儿子间有恢复关系的迹象。

    There 're signs of between George and his son .

  13. 是的,我们要断绝一切邦交

    Yeah , we 're cutting all diplomatic ties .

  14. 但分析家们认为,此次访问能否给两国邦交带来深远影响尚属未知。

    Effecting any lasting change in the two countries'relations is another matter , analysts say .

  15. 对于中国和土耳其而言,建立正常的邦交关系对两国都有好处。

    For China and Turkey , to establish normal diplomatic relations is good for both .

  16. 一旦断绝邦交,无论正式还是非正式我都不能联系他们的政府

    Well , once we cut ties , I can 't contact their government officially or unofficially .

  17. 罗斯福总统一开始就说,他希望波兰和苏联两国政府能够恢复邦交。

    The President began by saying that he hoped the Polish and Soviet Governments would resume relations .

  18. 巩固邦交的根本在民众,增进友谊的基础在交流。

    People is the essence of consolidating diplomatic relations , and communication constitutes the basis of promoting friendship .

  19. 中日邦交正常化以来,两国关系的现状是:“交流加深,摩擦不断”。

    Since normalizing their bilateral relations , China and Japan have been experiencing ever-deepening communication and constant frictions .

  20. 在中日邦交正常化以后,政党外交仍然在两国关系中发挥着稳定和促进作用。

    After that , the political party diplomacy still plays an important role in Sino - Japanese relationship .

  21. 从此,日本与渤海持续了二百年之久的邦交关系。

    Since then , Japan and the Bohai Country lasted as long as two hundred years of diplomatic relations .

  22. 东周时期,邦交关系成为影响国家命运的重要因素。

    In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty , the diplomatic relations played a important role affecting the fate of the country .

  23. 中日邦交正常化以来的中日关系及日本人的中国观

    The Relationship between China and Japan and Japanese View of China Since the Normalization of Diplomatic Rations between China and Japan

  24. 1972年中日邦交正常化的实现,是两国关系史上一个划时代的转折点。

    The diplomatic normalization of the Sino-Japanese relations in 1972 , is an epoch-making event in the Sino-Japanese relations ' history .

  25. 之前的三十年时间,美国和伊朗之间没有任何邦交,他不会从他寻求与伊朗合作的政策上退步。

    He has not stepped back from his policy of seeking to work with Iran after thirty years without diplomatic ties .

  26. 中日邦交正常化以来,中日关系是两国各自最重要的双边关系之一。

    Since Normalization of Sino-Japanese Relations , - Sino-Japanese relationship has become one of the most important bilateral relationships for both countries .

  27. 春秋时期邦交中发生的重大历史事件都与会盟有着或多或少的联系。

    The famous historical affairs which had happened in the Spring and Autumn Period had connected with the alliance more and less .

  28. 二战结束后,中国等国家在与日本实现邦交正常化时,放弃了赔偿以换取日方的援助。

    China , South Korea and other governments waived reparations in return for Japanese aid when they normalised relations after the war .

  29. 三十年前,在中日两国老一代领导人的共同努力下,实现了两国邦交正常化。

    Thirty years ago , with the effort of Chinese and Japanese former leaders , the relationship between China and Japan was normalized .

  30. 日韩邦交正常化并非日韩双边谈判的产物,而是美日韩三国共同努力的结果。

    The normalization is not the result of Japan-ROK negotiations but the product of the joint efforts of America , Japan and ROK .