
  • Bondi;Band-Aid;Ted Bundy
  1. 冲浪者寻找在邦迪海滩一个好的地点。

    Surfers look for a good spot at Bondi Beach .

  2. 邦迪领导下,多国起诉“平价医保法”没有成功。

    Bondi led the unsuccessful multi-state lawsuit against the affordable care act .

  3. 邦迪在1977年出版的专著《重整漂亮脸蛋》(DefiningYourFace)中确立了脸部塑形的规则。

    The latter laid down the rules in his 1977 book Defining Your Face .

  4. 用彩妆最终捣鼓出来的模样既不迷人,也不漂亮,总之就是一个怪。脸部塑形盛行于上世纪70年代,这完全归功于凯文•奥库安(KevynAucoin)与邦迪(WayBandy)等化妆大师。

    Contouring first became popular in a big way in the 1970s thanks to make-up artists such as Kevyn Aucoin and Way Bandy .

  5. 结合在复旦EMBA的营销管理,战略管理,运营管理等课程的学习和老师的指导,写此论文,一来作为我职业生涯邦迪工作的总结,希望对同事有借鉴作用。

    Along with the EMBA courses learning especially in Market Management , Corporative Management , Operations Management and the guidance from tutors in Fudan University , I regarded the thesis as the summary of my certain career phase .

  6. 麦乔治邦迪对基辛格一直很钦佩,纵或有些勉强情绪。

    McGeorge Bundy remained his admirer , if a grudging one ;

  7. 整个说来,我是很敬佩邦迪的。

    On balance , I held Bundy in very high esteem .

  8. 用邦迪牌消毒弹性创可贴牵拉法代替伤口缝合

    Fixation of Wound by " Band-Aid " Bandage in Place of Suture

  9. 你能给我开点邦迪创可贴和一些药吗?

    Could you send up a band-aid and some medicine ?

  10. 邦迪擦了一根火柴照看那个俯卧着的东西。

    Bundy struck a match and held it over the prostrate figure .

  11. 脸上会有一块很酷的邦迪痕迹。

    Would have a Kool-Aid stain smeared across his face .

  12. 本文是对邦迪在中国市场营销模式的研究。

    The thesis is a study on the Bang-aid marketing model in China .

  13. 那人领着珂赛特,朝着利弗里和邦迪的方向走去。

    The man led Cosette off in the direction of Livry and Bondy .

  14. 先坐三路蓝色公共汽车,到邦迪换二路。

    Take Blue Bus No. 3 and transfer at Bundy to No. 2 .

  15. 两者在邦迪号的叛乱中都有一席之地。

    Both played a role in the bounty debacle .

  16. 是的,澳大利亚有美丽的海滩,像邦迪海滩。

    Yes , Australia has beautiful beaches-like Bondi Beach .

  17. 它可以像邦迪创可贴一样直接粘在皮肤上。

    It could stick to your skin like you would attach a Band-Aid .

  18. 泰德和布鲁斯又在邦迪海滩见面了。

    Ted and Bruce meet again on Bondi Beach .

  19. 邦迪管用高精密冷轧钢带的生产特点

    Productive characteristics of high precision cold rolling steel strip used in Bundy tubing making

  20. 邦迪管在其它的领域也有比较广泛的应用。

    While its needs incrwase , It 's also used widely in other fields .

  21. 还要备一些阿司匹林,邦迪创可贴和针线。

    Also , invest in some Asperin , Band-Aids and a needle and thread .

  22. 发生什么了?谁割伤了?我有邦迪。

    What 's going on ? Who got cut ? I 've got Band-Aid .

  23. 邦迪是悉尼的最受欢迎的海滩和易受拥挤的海滩当夏季周末期间。

    Bondi is Sydney 's most popular beach and subject to crowding during summer weekends .

  24. 在悉尼邦迪海滩上位于冲浪手后方一条水龙卷在袭击海面。

    A water spout hits the sea behind a surfer on Sydney 's Bondi Beach .

  25. 你可能刚到这个城市一分钟,下一分钟你就会在邦迪海滩或在港口周围漫步。

    Sophie and Joel are sitting on Bondi Beach on the first day of their honeymoon .

  26. 他同邦迪谈了一会,他提出的问题反映出他有很大的怀疑。

    He talked for some time with Bundy , his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts .

  27. 邦迪管制造技术

    Manufacturing Technology for Bundy Tube

  28. 所以,再次的,象怀基基和邦迪这样名气大的海滩没有获得晋级。

    So , once again , big names like Waikiki and Bondi didn 't make the cut .

  29. 离开办公室,不用半小时的功夫便可在邦迪海滩享受冲浪(的快乐)。

    You can leave the office and within half an hour be out riding those waves at Bondi .

  30. 我是那种想打开“邦迪创可贴”,却把手划破了的人。

    I 'm the kind of person who 'd get a paper cut trying to open a Band-Aide .