
bāng lián
  • confederation
邦联 [bāng lián]
  • [confederation] 几个主权国家组成的一种联合体。邦联的成员国仍保留完全的独立主权,只是在军事、外交等方面采取某些联合行动

邦联[bāng lián]
  1. 在费城起草的这份文件使具有独立主权的各州组成的邦联变成了国家政府。

    The document composed in Philadelphia transformed the confederation of sovereign states into a national government .

  2. 克罗地亚共和国与联邦成立邦联的协定;

    Agreement for a Confederation between the Republic of Croatia and the federation ;

  3. 罗伯特·E·李将军及其管辖的南部邦联最终前来投降。

    Surrender finally came for General Robert E.Lee and the Confederacy he had served as a great soldier .

  4. 南方共有11个州宣布脱离联邦,他们共同组成了美利坚邦联(ConfederateStatesofAmerica)。

    eleven southern states left the Union . They formed the Confederate States of America .

  5. 对象模型是实现HLA邦联成员间互操作性的基本方法和手段。

    The object model represents the primary means of obtaining interoperability between federates in an HLA federation .

  6. 血腥的战斗持续了三天,最后,罗伯特·E·李将军率领邦联军队进攻北部,以其失败结束了这场战役。

    Three bloody days of fighting ended in the failure of the Confederate army , led by General Robert E.Lee , to invade the North .

  7. 格兰特和他的士兵们,如威廉T.谢尔曼和菲尔谢里登开始无情地进攻南部邦联。

    Grand and soldiers such as William T. Sherman and Phil Sheridan began pushing the Southern armies relentlessly .

  8. HLA对象模型支持邦联的规划,邦联执行过程中数据交换需求的定义,以及完成RTI的初始化。

    HLA object models support for federation planning , define requirements for data exchange during execution , and provide a means for initializing the RTI .

  9. 本文接着结合通用数据仓库元模型(CWM),采用了一种邦联式的元数据管理体系。

    Combining with the common warehouse metamodel ( CWM ), the paper then adopts a confederation-style metadata management system .

  10. 星期天,美国南卡来罗纳州议会外平静无事。之前主张白人至上的组织三K党的部分成员星期六在州议会外集会,抗议南卡取下内战纪念碑悬挂的邦联旗帜,他们与在附近示威的非洲裔美国人发生对峙。

    All is calm outside the southern U.S. South Carolina statehouse Sunday , a day after scuffles broke out when the white supremacy group Ku Klux Klan protesting the removal of the Confederate flag came face-to-face with African-American activists demonstrating nearby .

  11. 在此基础上,将径向基函数(RBF)人工神经网络引入到核动力装置故障诊断中,使其与模糊神经网络(FNN)进行邦联,提高了神经网络的诊断速度和准确性。

    On the basis of these works , in order to improve the diagnosis speed and accuracy of the neural network , the RBF ( radial basis function ) neural network and FNN ( fuzzy neural network ) are confederated .

  12. 当时南部邦联的指挥将领包括托马斯(斯顿威尔)约翰逊、约瑟夫约翰斯顿、詹姆斯朗斯特里特和J.E.B.斯图亚特。

    Southern commanders included Thomas ( Stonewall ) Jackson , Joseph Johnston , James Longstreet , and J.E.B. Stuart .

  13. Gans在马里兰州出生长大,马里兰州位于旧邦联的边界,和在这个州生活的其他所有非裔美国人一样,Gans必须日日忍受侮辱。

    Born and brought up in Maryland , a state bordering on the old Confederacy , he had to put up with the everyday humiliations suffered by all African-Americans there .

  14. 南部邦联的士兵正在搜捕北部联邦军队的士兵。

    The Confederate soldiers were looking for the federalists .

  15. 基于代理的工作流邦联及子流调用框架

    An Agent-Based Framework to Support Workflow Confederacy and Subprocess

  16. 所有秘鲁领土是梦幻诛仙角色由邦联的控制。

    All the territory of Peru is under the control of the Confederacy .

  17. 南部邦联被北方打败了。

    The Confederacy was defeated by the northern states .

  18. (南北战争时的)南部邦联一次争夺霸权地位的恶战。

    Southern Confederacy a ferocious battle for supremacy .

  19. 将加拿大的省及地区一一列举出来,并标明它们分别是何时加入邦联的?

    List each province and territory and tell when each one joined the Confederation .

  20. 哪四个省率先组成邦联的?

    Which four provinces first formed the Confederation ?

  21. 有时华盛顿似乎落人了南部邦联的掌握之中;

    Sometimes Washington seemed within the Confederate grasp ;

  22. 哪个文件规定“邦联”为合法?

    Which document made Confederation legal ?

  23. 普通高等学校的新园区就恰是邦联式模式发展的载体。

    The new park of Colleges and universities is just a carrier of confederation development model .

  24. 今天,曾经是南部邦联州的11个州,其人均收入平均水平现在几乎已赶上来了;

    Today , average income per head in the11 former Confederate states has almost caught up ;

  25. 他在南部邦联投降的第二天即去了里士满,听取李的投降书。

    He entered Richmond the day after its surrender , and heard of Lee 's capitulation .

  26. 是美国南部联邦各州和北部邦联各州之间的战争。

    A war between the Southern or Confederate States of America and the Northern or Union States .

  27. 表象上,1815年建立的德意志邦联符合一般理解的邦联制;

    Seemingly the federation of Germany founded in 1815 was indeed a confederacy according to the common understanding .

  28. 这是邦联所代表的生活方式提供的最好的东西。

    The best thing that the way of life for which the Confederacy stood could ever have to offer .

  29. 在1861年,林肯总统禁止国家联盟与分离的邦联进行贸易。根据历史背景,可以直接翻译为:1861年,林肯总统禁止南北贸易!

    In1861 , President Lincoln prohibited the states of the Union from trading with the seceding states of the Confederacy .

  30. 于是南部邦联的军队选择了投降。南部邦联被消灭,美国内战以联邦的胜利结束。

    So , the Southern Confederate troops surrendered , the Southern Confederacy was destroyed , the Union won the war .