
  • 网络Bangka island;Banka
  1. 在苏门答腊外海邦加岛的一处矿场,一名华裔工人蹲在一个洗矿槽内采集着锡矿砂。

    At the bottom end of a soaring market , an ethnic Chinese worker squats in a sluice to gather tin ore at a mine on Bangka Island off the Sumatran coast .

  2. 政府派出的一个小组将帮助邦加岛的非法冶炼公司进行整顿。

    It sent a team to Bangka to help the illegal smelters clean up their act .

  3. 在比哈尔邦,那烂陀,奥兰加巴德,罗赫达斯,布尔尼亚,芒格,加雅,瑟赫尔萨,帕戈尔布尔,邦加岛和盖穆尔山都有人员死亡事件发生。

    In Bihar , the deaths occurred in Nalanda , Aurangabad , Rohtas , Purnea , Munger , Gaya , Saharsa , Bhagalpur , Banka and Kaimur .