
  • 网络swan neck deformity;Swan-neck deformity
  1. 烧伤后手指鹅颈畸形的原因及治疗

    Pathogenesis of swan-neck deformity of fingers after burn and its treatment

  2. 目的介绍烧伤后手指鹅颈畸形经过矫治后的外观与功能恢复。

    Objective To introduce the appearance and function restoration after correction in patients with finger swan-neck deformity caused by burn .

  3. 烧伤后手指鹅颈畸形的矫治

    Correction of finger swan - neck deformity after burn

  4. 结论该方法的重点是重建肌力平衡,结合早期在医师指导控制下的活动,是矫治烧伤后手指鹅颈畸形的有效方法。

    Conclusion The key point was reconstruction of balance of muscle power . When the procedure was combined with early controlled movement under the guide of doctor , it is an effective method in correcting swan-neck deformity after burn .