
  • 网络Hefeng County
  1. 湖北鹤峰县蛇伤流行病学研究

    An epidemiological survey of snakebites in Hefeng County Hubei Province

  2. 鹤峰县实施天保工程的目标定位

    Target Location for Implementation in Project of Natural Forest Protection by Hefeng County

  3. 茶文化与生态旅游可持续发展研究&以恩施州鹤峰县为例

    Sustainable Development of Tea Culture and Eco-Tourism & Take Hefeng in Enshi for Instance

  4. 鹤峰县退耕还林现状及后续政策思考

    Thinking on Current Status and Follow-up Policy of Returning Land to Forest in Hefeng County

  5. 然而在鹤峰县屏山土家族地区,招赘婚姻却很盛行。

    However , the uxorilocal marriage has been prevailing at Pingshan community in Hefeng county .

  6. 鹤峰县位于湖北省西部,毗邻湖南省。

    Hefeng is a montane county in the western parts of Hubei province near to Hunan .

  7. 湖北鹤峰县林业产业现状与发展对策

    The Present Situation and Countermeasure of the Development of Forestry Industry in Hefeng County in Hubei Province

  8. 第三部分阐述了鹤峰县农村居民消费水平与消费结构的变化状况。

    The third part discusses the situation of rural residents ' consumption level and consumption in Hefeng County .

  9. 本文中研究的鹤峰县就是隶属于恩施土家族苗族自治州下八个连片贫困县中的一个,在中国贫困地区中具有一定的典型性和代表性。

    The Hefeng County in this thesis is exactly one of the eight contiguous destitute areas in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture .

  10. 目的分析鹤峰县肺结核控制现状,探讨医疗机构在肺结核控制中的作用。

    Objective To analyze the current situation of TB control in Hefeng County and probe into the role of medical institutions in TB control .

  11. 介绍了湖北省鹤峰县通过招商引资,开发水电资源,使水电开发成为全县支柱产业,带动全县经济振兴的做法与经验。

    The experience of vitalizing economics by way of soliciting business affairs and inviting investment to turn the water-power resources into pillar industry in Hefeng County is described .