
  • 网络ray huang;R. Huang;HUANG.R.Yu
  1. 黄仁宇的“大历史观”在历史研究方法和历史表述方面具有明显的特点。

    Ray Huang 's macro-history has distinctive features concerning historical method and historical expression .

  2. 从技术的角度看历史&黄仁宇大历史观述评

    Technical Interpretation of History & Comment on the Macro-history View of Huang Renyu

  3. 黄仁宇大历史观视角下的中国近现代史

    Modern and Contemporary History of China under the Perspective of " Outlook of Macro-History "

  4. 黄仁宇时史学的贡献可以概括为:不拘一格的治史方法、多元化的历史发展史观、大历史观。

    Huang Renyu s contribution to the science of history can be concluded as following : the method not sticking to one pattern , the view of multi-development and the view of macro-history .