
  • 网络sediment in the yellow river;sediment in yellow river
  1. 黄河泥沙数学模型研究

    Research on Mathematical Model for Sediment in Yellow River

  2. 黄河泥沙动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Sediment in the Yellow River

  3. 研究了铜(Ⅱ)与黄河泥沙相互作用的离子交换率E(%)&pH曲线,以及各种因素对该曲线的影响。

    The curve of ion exchange ratio E ( % ) & pH for the interaction between Cu (ⅱ) and sediments in the Yellow River has been studied .

  4. 研究了黄河泥沙含量与COD、高锰酸盐指数和BOD5等水质参数间的关系,揭示了当前黄河COD和高锰酸盐指数监测与评价中存在的问题。

    The paper studied the relationships between the content of suspended matter in the Yellow River and water quality parameters including COD , Potassium Permanganate Index and BOD_5 . The results show that there are shortcomings in monitoring and evaluating water quality in the Yellow River using theses parameters .

  5. 黄河泥沙特性及对水环境的影响

    Sediment characteristics of Yellow River and their influence on water environment

  6. 黄河泥沙来源研究评述

    Review of Researches on the Source of the Yellow River Sediment

  7. 黄河泥沙的絮凝形态学和絮体构造模型问题

    Consideration on the Morphology and Floc Structure of the Yellow River Silt

  8. 黄河泥沙架桥絮凝聚集体的分形

    Fractal dimension of bridging flocculated aggregates for Yellow River sediment

  9. 黄河泥沙处理对策的发展、实践与认识

    Development , Practice and Understanding of Sediment Treatment of the Yellow River

  10. 利用黄河泥沙生产彩釉地砖的新型辊道窑

    A New Roller Kiln to Produce Floor Tile with the Huanghe sand

  11. 利用黄河泥沙生产烧结多孔砖工艺简述

    Discussion of the technics of multi-hollow brick used the silt from Huanghe River

  12. 黄河泥沙对水质参数影响的研究

    Influence of Yellow River sediment on water quality parameters

  13. 黄河泥沙颗粒分析回归数学模型的探讨

    Discussion on Regression Mathematical Model of Sediment Grading Analysis in the Yellow River

  14. 黄河泥沙分离机整体平衡方法及应用

    Locale homeostasis method and application of separator separating Yellow River water and mud-sand

  15. 黄河泥沙输送资料分析

    Analysis of Sediment Transport Data For the Yellow River

  16. 黄河泥沙对某些重金属离子的特性吸附及影响因素研究

    Characteristic Adsorption and Impact Factors of Yellow River Sand to Some Heavy Metal Ions

  17. 黄河泥沙烧结多孔砖应用探讨

    Discussion of the application of multi-hollow brick made by the silt from Huanghe River

  18. 结果表明:上述因素均影响黄河泥沙对细菌吸附力,泥沙的理化性质对吸附影响较大;

    It is found that the factors mentioned above are capable of influencing the sorption .

  19. 黄河泥沙架桥絮凝体分形结构的动态演变研究

    Study on dynamic evolution of fractal structure of bridging flocculated sand aggregates in Yellow River

  20. 黄河泥沙碟式分离机转鼓壁厚设计计算

    Drum thickness design of silt disc separator

  21. 黄河泥沙对水中细菌吸附作用研究

    Bacterial Sorption by Sediments in Yellow River

  22. 简论我国古代黄河泥沙运动理论及其实践

    Preliminary Discussion on Theory of the Yellow River Sediment Movement and Its Practice in Ancient Times

  23. 黄河泥沙利害观的演变与发展

    Evolution and Development of the Sense on Advantages and Disadvantages of Sediment of the Yellow River

  24. 黄河泥沙浑浊度实时传感监测方法研究

    Study on the On-time Sense Monitor of Muddy Degree of the Water in the Yellow River

  25. 黄河泥沙水对水泵的影响和防磨措施

    Influence on pumps by the Yellow River water with high silt content and measurements against wear and tear

  26. 引用黄河泥沙对下游平原土地质量及其演变的影响

    Effect of Using Suspended Sediment Load in the Yellow River on Land Quality and Its Evolution in the Lower Reaches

  27. 所以,调水调沙是解决黄河泥沙问题的有效措施之一。

    Therefore , the water-sediment regulation is one of the effective measures to solve the sedimental problems of the Yellow river .

  28. 黄河泥沙对重金属吸附与解吸特性的研究黑龙江省山地洪水灾害特点及对策建议

    The Features of Severe Rainstorm Inducing Mountain Torrents and Mud-rock Flows Characters of mountain torrents in Heilongjiang Province and prevention countermeasures

  29. 本文并对水土保持全面生效之前约50~100年的黄河泥沙和防洪问题提出了安排设想。

    Tentative idea of flood protection and reducing sedimentation for500 & 1000 years before water conservation goes into effect in an all-round way are presented .

  30. 本文采用沉降技术并结合黄河泥沙架桥絮凝体的电镜照片,对絮体分形特征进行了研究。

    This paper describes the characteristics of fractal structure of bridging flocculated aggregates by using settling technique integrating with SEM photographs of Yellow-River sediment flocs .