
  • 网络Lvliang;lvliang city;Lüliang City
  1. 其中,朔州市、吕梁市与运城市的监测能力需进一步加强。

    Among them , the monitoring ability of Shuozhou , Lvliang and Yuncheng cites needs further improving .

  2. 对吕梁市水利科技发展的现状调查及思考

    Investigating Present Situation and Thinking on Hydrotechnics Development of Luliang City

  3. 吕梁市小麦生产的制约因素及对策思考

    Limiting Factors and Countermove to Wheat Production in Luliang City

  4. 这样从很大程度上制约了吕梁市幼儿园音乐教育的发展。

    This largely restricted from Luliang City Kindergarten Music Education . 6 .

  5. 小麦是吕梁市的主要粮食作物之一。

    Wheat is a principle crop in Luliang .

  6. 第二例为一名来自山西省吕梁市的2岁女童。

    The second case is a2 year old female from Luliang City , Shanxi Province .

  7. 吕梁市幼儿教师的整体素质有待提高。

    Luliang City , the overall quality of early childhood teachers need to be improved .

  8. 吕梁市离石区优质小杂粮产业开发探析

    Analysis on the Development of High-quality Minor Coarse Cereals in Lishi District of Luliang City

  9. 论吕梁市西部五大流域河道滩地及水地的开发

    On Development of Overflow Land And Irrigated Land in Five Catchments of West Area in Luliang City

  10. 吕梁市幼儿园对于幼儿教师关于音乐教育的培训及对外交流学习很少。

    Luliang City Kindergarten teacher on music education for early childhood training and international exchanges to learn very little .

  11. 政策支农:推动城乡协调发展的有效途径&吕梁市中阳县统筹城乡发展的调查报告

    Effective Ways to Promote Urban and Rural Co-ordinated Development & Survey of Zhongyang County Making Overall Planning for Urban and Rural Development

  12. 吕梁市幼儿教育从业者及幼儿家长在幼儿音乐教育方面思想观念比较落后。

    Luliang City , and child care practitioners in early childhood education early childhood music education , parents in relatively backward ideas .

  13. 山西省有关部门对财新网称在过去几个月里,运城和吕梁市的多名中级官员都遭到了调查。

    Sources in the province told Caixin dozens of mid-level officials in the cities of Yuncheng and Luliang have been placed under investigation over the past several months .

  14. 柳林泉是山西省吕梁市最大的岩溶泉,也是区域内生活生产的重要供水水源。

    Liulin sping is the biggest spring in Luliang city , Shanxi province . The karstic groundwater in Liulin spring area is the important water supply sources for regional life and production .

  15. 吕梁市幼儿园关于幼儿音乐教育方面的教研活动很少,致使课程安排不科学,音乐教学方法单一,音乐活动的形式不够多样。

    Luliang City Nursery on early childhood music education in small teaching and research activities , leading scientific curriculum , music teaching methods are simple , not enough variety in the form of music . 7 .

  16. 本文以山西省吕梁市的幼儿园作为研究对象,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理分析法、访谈法,对吕梁市的十二个不同类型的幼儿园进行了实地调查。

    In this paper , a kindergarten Luliang City of Shanxi Province as the research object , using literature data , surveys , mathematical analysis , interviews , on Luliang City 12 different types of kindergartens conducted fieldwork .

  17. 由于吕梁市幼儿教师学历普遍较低,专业技能以及教学能力受到限制,导致一些音乐活动不能有效开展以及对幼儿音乐教学资源的利用不够充分。

    Early childhood teacher qualifications because Luliang generally low professional skills and teaching ability is limited , resulting in a number of musical activities and the children can not effectively use music teaching resources are inadequate . 5 .

  18. 本文的创新点主要在于将低碳经济和可持续发展相结合,对吕梁市的对外贸易发展进行研究,从而提出吕梁市在低碳经济时代对外贸易可持续发展的对策和建议。

    The innovative method of this paper is the combination of the low-carbon economy and sustainable development , and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for her sustainable development of the foreign trade under the condition of low-carbon economy .

  19. 吕梁市幼儿音乐教育资源相对匮乏,除极个别省级示范幼儿园的音乐教学设备配备较齐全以外,绝大多数幼儿园都存在配备不全或者几乎没有音乐教学设备。

    Luliang relative lack of early childhood music education resources , except a very few provincial demonstration kindergarten music teaching facilities with more than complete , with most kindergartens are incomplete or there is almost no music teaching facilities .

  20. 交口县位于山西省中部西侧,吕梁市南端,东接孝义、灵石、南连隰县、汾西,西靠石楼,北界中阳。

    Jiaokou County in central Shanxi Province is located in the west , the southern tip of Luliang City , east Xiaoyi , Lingshi , the marsh south county , Fenxi , stone floor , west , north of Shenyang .

  21. 通过客观阐述这十二个幼儿园的音乐教育状况,进一步分析吕梁市幼儿园音乐教育所存在的问题,在此基础上提出对策和建议,希望能够为吕梁市幼儿音乐教育的发展与提高提供一些参考。

    Objective set by the 12 kindergarten Music Education , further analysis of music education in kindergartens Luliang the problems , to propose a solution on this basis and recommendations in the hope of early childhood music education for the Luliang City development and improve the provision of some reference .

  22. 近年来,省内重型能源型工业发展速度很快,自吕梁孝义市至临汾侯马市已逐渐形成较明显的以煤焦产业特征为主的复合生态带。

    In recent years , the heavy and energy sources industry had developed so quick that from Luliang and Xiaoyi City to Linfen and Houma City which is main of the coal and coke industry had already gradually formed a obviously character of compound biome .