
  • 网络geomorphic unit;landform unit;Morphology
  1. 干旱区内陆河流域地貌单元特征及地下水储水构造

    Landform unit characteristic and its underground storage structure for inland river basin in arid area

  2. 同时沿地下水NNE流向,在不同地貌单元内进行了反向地球化学模拟。

    The backward geochemical model was carried on different physiognomies alone the flow direction of groundwater .

  3. 通过对兰州地区4个不同地貌单元季节冻土的现场声波波速测试,获得了0~1.5m深度范围内冻土和融土的纵、横波波速.实测了相应的黄土的密度、含水量及地温资料。

    By using soniscope , the wave velocities in depth of 0 to 1.5 m of seasonally frozen ground at four geomorphic units in Lanzhou are obtained during the winter and the soil density , moisture content and ground temperature are measured respectively .

  4. 将岩溶盆地划分为谷地、台地、残丘、沟槽、浅洼5种三级地貌单元类型,东部发育3个水平岩溶带,第三水平岩溶带距夷平面70~85m。

    This karst basin is divided into 5 types of palaeogeography units : mesa , remnant hillock , karren , groove and shallow depression . Three level leached zones are found , and the third zone is 70-85 m below the karst base level .

  5. 海滩是砂质海岸重要的沉积地貌单元。

    Beach is an important sedimentary morphological unit of sandy coast .

  6. 基于不同地貌单元的江西省区域经济差异研究

    Regional Economic Disparities Based on Different Landforms in Jiangxi Province

  7. 土层组合及地貌单元与地震动的关系

    Relation between earthquake motions and the combinations of soil layers and the topographic units

  8. 硅铝风化壳不同地貌单元土壤化学成分差异研究

    A Study on the Dissimilarity of Chemical Composition in the Different Geomorphic Soils in Siallitic Weathering Crust

  9. 不同的古岩溶地貌单元,各分带的分布特征具有明显的差异。

    Different ancient karst landform units , each with the distribution features of the obvious difference . 3 .

  10. 苏北沿海的辐射沙洲群是南黄海海域一个独特的地貌单元。

    Su Bei radiation shoal group is a unique Geomorphology unit in south area of the Huanghai Sea .

  11. 黄土微结构特征沿黄土剖面垂直方向上及沿地貌单元平面上的变化,主要是受黄土堆积环境、成土环境及埋藏环境共同作用的结果。

    Structure characteristics are mainly controlled by the environments of sedi - mentation , soil formation and loess burying .

  12. 数学形态学在黄土地貌单元分类学上的应用

    The Periglacial Blow-Sand Landform and Sediment : a Review Application of Math-morphological Features in Relief Taxonomy of Loess Plateau

  13. 多相地貌单元场地勘察中基岩与卵砾石、孤石的鉴别

    Differentiation of Base rock , Ovum Gravel , and Boulder while Exploring to the Unit place of Diverse Ground form

  14. 从土地利用效率来看,三类地貌单元的土地利用效率均得到一定程度提高。

    From the efficiency of land use , the efficiencies of this three land types all get a certain increase .

  15. 黄土高原作为一个完整的区域地貌单元以其严重的土壤侵蚀备受人们注目,土壤侵蚀不仅是其现代地貌过程强烈的突出表现,也是其生态环境恶化的象征。

    Loess Plateau as a special regional unit of landform is concerned because of its serious soil erosion and ecological problem .

  16. 构成月球主要地貌单元的撞击坑到底能够给我们提供月壳多大深处的物质信息?

    Constitute main geomorphic units of impact craters on the moon could provide us how deep in the crust material information ?

  17. 近代及现代黄河三角洲不同尺度地貌单元土壤盐渍化特征浅析

    Elementary Analysis on Characteristics of Soil Salinization of Geomorphology Units with Different Scales in the Neoteric and Modern Yellow River Delta

  18. 河流沉积物作为河流地貌单元组成的核心,是探讨河流沉积地貌环境演化最基本的要素;

    Sediment , the core of fluvial geomorphology , is also the fundamental component in discussing sedimentary facies evolution in river system .

  19. 探地雷达勘察结果显示,地表地貌单元、植被分布、地表水分条件的变化均对多年冻土上限变化和地下冰的赋存产生重要影响。

    GPR survey indicates that topography , vegetation , and surface moisture conditions have substantial impacts on the permafrost table and ground ice .

  20. 从潜蚀机理和真空吸蚀机理两种塌陷机理阐述了塌陷发生的原因,进而划分了不同地貌单元、不同时代地层组合条件下产生塌陷的可能性和类型以及防治此类灾害的工程措施。

    The reasons , mechanism and possibility and types of collapses have been discussed . The counter measures is also suggested in the paper .

  21. 某电厂位于长江南岸的长江大堤堤内圩区。属长江河漫滩地貌单元。

    Some Power Plant was situated in dike area of the south bank of a Yangtse River , belong in valley flat geomorphic unit .

  22. 不同地貌单元,土层类型不同频谱形状也不尽相同。在层状土层组合的场地中,脉动谱形态还反映了土层的结构特征。

    It is found out that the different landform element and the different type of soil layer lead to the different form of frequency spectrum .

  23. 研究的目的是分析不同尺度下地貌单元之间土壤盐渍化特征差异及原因。

    The objective of this research is to analyze the diversities of characteristics of soil salinization and its reasons in the different scale geomorphology units .

  24. 海南岛地貌单元可分为地貌区、地貌亚区、地貌形态成因类型和微地貌4级。

    Geomorphologic units of Hainan Island can be divided into four classes : geomorphic regions , sub-geomorphic regions , landform-genetic types , and micro relief .

  25. 为了能够更好的反映不同地理环境下气候因素对乙脑发病的影响,本研究将中国划分为8个不同的地貌单元分别进行分析。

    To further analyze the effects of climatic factors in different geographical environments on the incidence of JE , China was divided into eight geomorphic units .

  26. 文章阐述了天津市不同地貌单元8个土壤剖面中重金属污染的纵向分布特征,并对土壤中重金属污染的形成原因进行了分析。

    The paper describes vertical distribution characteristics of heavy metal pollutants in soil profile for 8 landscape units in Tianjin and discusses the causes for pollution .

  27. 广东西南部沿海地貌单元影像特征及地质意义港湾周边地质与地貌

    Photo Feature and Geological Meaning of the Earth Surface in Southwest Coastal Area of Guangdong CHAPTER 5 MARINE SEDIMENTATION Section 1 Geology and Geomorphology Around Xiamen Harbour

  28. 海滩是激浪作用下泥沙在激浪带的堆积,是海岸带最活跃的地貌单元。

    Beach is the most active geomorphologic part in the coastal zone , which is the depositional feature in the surf zone mainly controlled by the surf wave .

  29. 三角滩是分流河口区典型的微地貌单元,平面上呈三角形,分布于分流河口靠主流下游一侧。

    It is a typical microgeomorphologic unit at distributary mouth , which is triangular in plane and develops at the confluence district of a main river and distributary stream .

  30. 流域作为一个独立的地貌单元,它是一个社会、经济、自然的复合生态系统,具有生态完整性,而且能为人类提供广泛的服务功能。

    Watershed is an independent topographic unit that has ecological integrality , As a comprehensive and integrated social , economic and natural ecosystem , it can offer many services .