
dì yù
  • hell;inferno;hades nether world
地狱 [dì yù]
  • (1) [hell;hades nether world]∶某些宗教的说法,指人死后灵魂在地下受折磨的地方,跟天堂相对

  • (2) [inferno]

  • (3) 比喻受苦受难的地方

  • (4) 黑暗、喧闹、混乱和坏人无法无天的地方

地狱[dì yù]
  1. 他即将上映的影片《绿色地狱》(TheGreenInferno)讲述的是一群时尚的环保活动人士去往秘鲁拯救一个濒临灭绝的部落,最终却受到食人族攻击的故事,结果是那些土著只是太饿了。

    Mr. Roth 's forthcoming film , ' The Green Inferno , ' is about trendy eco-activists who travel to Peru to save a dying tribe but end up as victims of cannibals . Turns out the natives were just hungry .

  2. 曼哈顿学校最近关于但丁的《地狱》(Inferno)一书中,第9和第10囊里做出的惩罚进行了一场讨论。讨论过程中,一名学生说她认为身体折磨是“与故事逻辑相符合的”。

    During a recent discussion in the Manhattan school on punishments doled out in the ninth and tenth pouches of Dante 's Inferno , one student said she thought the physical torture was " consistent with the logic of the story . "

  3. 怒吼的风如同堕入地狱的灵魂在哀声恸哭。

    The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls .

  4. 他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。

    He believed his immortal soul was in peril .

  5. 他们相信他们的灵魂会受到惩罚,在地狱里永受煎熬。

    They believed that their souls would be condemned to burn in hell for eternity .

  6. 对于有些孩子来说,学校简直就是活地狱。

    School is a living hell for some children .

  7. 那两任丈夫使我受尽地狱般的煎熬。

    Those two husbands put me through hell .

  8. 那里简直就是个不折不扣的地狱。

    It was pure , unadulterated hell .

  9. 恃强欺弱者能让你的日子像活地狱。

    Bullies can make your life hell .

  10. “地狱天使”曾是飞车党中最臭名昭著和无法无天的一伙。

    The Hell 's Angels were once the most notorious and anarchistic of motorbike gangs .

  11. 赖特和佩恩在联袂主演电影《魔鬼警长地狱镇》的时候相识。

    Wright and Penn met when they co-starred in the movie ' State of Grace ' .

  12. 那些深夜派对把酒店变成了夜猫子的乐园,对于带着孩子的人们则成了地狱。

    The late-night parties make the hotel a haven for night owls and a hell for anyone with children .

  13. 他把剪羊毛棚描写成十足的地狱。

    He described a shearing shed as sheer hell .

  14. 像克罗伊斯一样富有,可又像地狱里的撒旦一样邪恶。

    Rich as Croesus and wicked as the black man below .

  15. 宁在地狱为王,不在天堂为臣。

    [ 谚 ] Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven .

  16. 享乐主义和轻薄浮佻会将地狱扩展到我们的整个日子之中。

    Hedonism and frivolity will diffuse hell tnrough all our days .

  17. 但愿罪人都被罚受永久的地狱之火。

    Sinners may be damned to everlasting hellfire .

  18. 你们听到过有人把他说成是一个从地狱里喷出来的最黑暗毒雾中一身是罪的产儿。

    You have heard him called a crime-soaked product of the darkest vomiting of hell .

  19. 让他下地狱去吧!

    To hell with him !

  20. 有趣的是,圣经对地狱的用法可能起源于古斯堪的纳维亚语Hel,北欧神话中Loki的女儿的名字。

    Interestingly enough , the Biblical use of hell may stem from Old Norse Hel , the name of Loki 's daughter in Norse mythology10 .

  21. 克里斯:而现实就是自杀者要下地狱

    Chris : And the reality is suicides go to hell ?

  22. 她的老师问:“那么,假如约拿下了地狱怎么办?”

    The teacher asked , " What if Jonah went to hell ? "

  23. 老师问,反讥道:“什么,如果约拿到地狱呢”?

    The teacher asked , sarcastically3 , " What if Jonah went to Hell ? "

  24. 地狱里折磨罪人的魔鬼

    demons torturing the sinners in Hell

  25. 现在热得足以把地狱熔化了,希望很快能够凉快一点。

    It 's hot enough to melt hell . I hope it will be cooler soon .

  26. 在《Oulanem》里,马克思做了魔鬼所做的事:他诅咒全人类下地狱

    In Oulanem Marx does what the Devil does : he consigns the entire human race to damnation .

  27. 使他震惊的是电视罪恶的如此粗鄙。电视几乎使地狱庸俗化(杰克克罗尔)来自互联网

    What appalls him is the sheer cheesiness of TV iniquity . Television has even vulgarized hell ( Jack Kroll )

  28. 那是地狱般的一天,市场极为震荡,CityIndex的交易主管大卫•莫里斯(DavidMorris)回忆道。

    It was one hell of a day , extremely volatile , recalls David Morris , head of trading at City Index .

  29. 以希腊神话中守卫地狱的三头狗命名的赛伯乐曾试图在2009年通过首次公开发行(IPO)出售FreedomGroup,但在两年后撤回了申请。

    Cerberus , named after the three-headed dog of Greek myth that guards the underworld , had tried to sell Freedom Group in 2009 , filing for an initial public offering that was withdrawn two years later .

  30. 一个糟糕的老板会让一个公司变得如同地狱一般,同样,一位不得力的导师会毁掉XBA集训营。

    In the same way that a terrible boss can create a hellish workplace , an ineffective Fullbridge coach can ruin the XBA program .