
lì tǐ zhǔ yì
  • cubism
  1. 对大部分人来说,立体主义似乎是对现实的歪曲。

    Cubism appeared to most people to be a distortion of reality .

  2. 第六章,起承转合:立体主义和抽象主义的关系。

    The sixth chapter , introduction : cubism and abstract expressionism relationship .

  3. 她与早期那些现实主义作家不同,就像立体主义和印象主义不同一样。

    She differed from early realists as much as cubism from impressionism .

  4. 以(?)文彦之作品SPIRAL为分析对象,在立体主义艺术视野中,探讨了与绘画革新理念相关的建筑学理论。

    With SPIRAL the work of Fumihiko Maki , as analytical object , this article expounds the theory of architecture related to the innovation of painting in the vision of cubist art .

  5. 1910年,他绘制了《埃斯塔克的力拓工厂》(RioTintoFactoriesatL'Estaque),这幅用灰色与棕色线条构成的立体主义杰作如今是蓬皮杜艺术中心的珍藏。

    In 1910 , he painted " Rio Tinto Factories at L'Estaque , " a Cubist study in grays and browns that is now in the collection of the Pompidou Center .

  6. 绘画:橡木画框装裱的前立体主义水粉画,作者是鲜为人知的画家雅克·马尔礼(JacquesMarly,1885-1965),价格950欧元起。

    Paintings : Post-Cubist gouaches in oak frames by the little-known painter Jacques Marly ( 1885-1965 ) start at 950 euros .

  7. 立体主义的文化符号&詹姆逊现代主义问题研究

    The Cultural Sign of Cubism & Research of Jameson 's modernism issues

  8. 理智的游戏&立体主义绘画的探索之路刍议

    Intellectual Play & Compendium the Road of Exploring Cubism Painting

  9. 那高大的拱门可以在布拉克的立体主义画作中不断找到踪迹。

    Its tall arches were instantly recognizable from Braque 's Cubist paintings .

  10. 第四章,俄耳甫斯主义和立体主义。

    The fourth chapter , Orpheus , and cubism .

  11. 论立体主义思维在电影蒙太奇中的体现

    On the Reflection of Cubism Thinking on Film Montage

  12. 毕加索的记忆&巴塞罗那当代立体主义景观设计

    Recalling picasso : modern Cubism landscape design in Barcelona

  13. 《金色笔记》小说形式中的立体主义

    Cubism in the Novel Form of the Golden Notebook

  14. 立体主义最伟大的创造之一是对纸拼贴的使用。

    One of the greatest creation of cubism is the usage of paper collage .

  15. 路易威登基金会大楼四分五裂的多向外形,让人联想到布拉克和毕加索的立体主义。

    The Foundation 's fragmented , multidirectional forms recall the Cubism of Braque and Picasso .

  16. 这是一个立体主义的时代。

    It 's the time of Cubism .

  17. 保罗·塞尚的绘画预示了20世纪初叶立体主义的兴起。

    The paintings of Paul Cezanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20th century .

  18. 我得承认我对立体主义知道得不多。

    I have to say ( that ) cubism is not something I know very much about .

  19. 关于立体主义与建筑的思考

    Thought of Cubism and Architecture

  20. 新月派与立体主义

    Crescent genre and cubism

  21. 论立体主义的艺术反叛

    On Stereoscopic Art Rebellion

  22. 俄耳甫斯主义是由立体主义发展来的,慢慢的转向偏重色彩的几何图样。

    Orpheus is made to the development of the doctrine of Cubism , slowly to emphasize color geometric patterns .

  23. 拼贴和色彩运动是立体主义绘画在其发展过程中所形成的绘画特点和技巧,它体现了20世纪初艺术家们从根本上重新理解世界的要求。

    Makeup and color are typical of three-dimensional painting and reflect the 20th-century artists ' demand of re-understanding the world .

  24. 在《软纽扣》中,意象和短语通常以让人出乎意料的方式联系在一起,就像立体主义的绘画作品。

    In Tender Buttons , images and phrases often come together in surprising ways & similar in manner to cubist painting .

  25. 俄耳甫斯主义绘画中的德劳内带着一块全色彩的调色板进入到分析立体主义,从而为综合立体主义开辟了道路。

    Orpheus painting of Delaunay with a full color palette into the analytical Cubism , which opened the way for synthetic cubism .

  26. 在立体主义传统,认可早已检发现的物体,以此为基础,他的雕塑。

    In the Cubist tradition , Caro has long seized on found objects and used them as the basis for his sculptures .

  27. 前者与立体主义运动紧密相系,后者则是油画民族精神探索的结晶。

    The former is closely associated with cubism while the latter is the crystallization in oil painting of the exploration of national spirit .

  28. 在成长阶段里简要分析杜尚一生中的三次重大的转变:学习时期立体主义时期反艺术时期。

    I will analyzed briefly the growth phases which have three important changes in his life : study period cubism period anti-art period .

  29. 立体主义是一个在1908年展开全新的绘画和雕塑运动,其发展一直延续到20年代中期为止,它对建筑设计和理论有重大的影响。

    Cubism was a completely new movement of art and sculpture developed around 1908 , its movement lasted to the middle of the 20th century .

  30. 第三章通过深入分析小说形式中呈现出来的立体主义画派构成原则和艺术手段来论证二者之间的相通之处。

    Chapter Three analyses in detail the novel form of The Golden Notebook and its parallel relationship with Cubism in terms of shaping principles and dynamics .