
lì fānɡ mǐ
  • cubic meter
立方米 [lì fāng mǐ]
  • [cubic meter;stere] 容积单位,等于每边长为一米的一个立方体的容积,等于1米 3

  1. 德里污染控制委员会(DelhiPollutionControlCommittee)的健康标准是每立方米100微克以下。

    The Delhi Pollution Control Committee 's standard for healthy conditions is 100 micrograms per cubic meter or lower .

  2. 这比世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)的标准高出逾六倍,该组织建议每年接触的PM2.5平均浓度小于10微克/立方米。

    That * s more than seven times the World Health Organization & s recommended exposure of less than 10 micrograms per cubic meter over the course of a year .

  3. 这座水库贮水约3000万立方米。

    The reservoir has in storage about 30 million cubic metres .

  4. 对于地下淡水储存量的最新估计现在上升到了2。7万亿立方米。

    New estimates of the water reserves now go up to 2,700 billion cubic meters of freshwater .

  5. 在建立了9个这样的冰储备之后,诺菲尔计算出他已经储存了大约20万立方米的水。

    Having created nine such ice reserves , Norphel calculates that he has stored about 200,000m3 of water .

  6. 这条河平均流量为每秒二百立方米。

    The average flow of the river is 200 cubic metres per second .

  7. 截至今年3月,南水北调工程已累计向北方地区调水400多亿立方米。

    As of March , the South-to-North Water Diversion Project had transferred over 40 billion cubic meters of water to the northern areas .

  8. 他表示,为了让货轮脱困,挖掘机挖走了3万立方米的泥沙,并动用了13艘拖船。

    He said 30000 cubic metres of sand had been dredged to help free the vessel , which had been pulled free using 13 tugboats .

  9. 据美国能源情报署(UnitedStatesEnergyInformationAdministration)估计,南海的石油储量为110亿桶,天然气为190万亿立方英尺(约合5.4万亿立方米)。这些数字包括已探明的和可能的储量。

    The United States Energy Information Administration has estimated that 11 billion barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas lie below the seabed , including both proven and probable reserves .

  10. Miller表示,第一季度的基准价格按照每1000立方米360美元计算。

    Miller says the base price for the first quarter will be 360 dollars per thousand cubic meters .

  11. 人民日报称,沈阳的可吸入颗粒物,即PM2.5,达到了1400毫克每立方米。

    The People 's Daily said PM 2.5 levels exceeded 1400 micrograms per cubic metre .

  12. 世界卫生组织建议,24小时接触的PM2.5平均浓度小于25微克/立方米。

    The WHO advises exposure to levels less than 25 micrograms per cubic meter over a 24 period .

  13. 注意,糖浆的密度,是每立方米1千克,和C2的数值很接近-,我刚才提到了。

    Notice that the density of the syrup in terms of kilograms per cubic meter-is very close to C2 & I mentioned that earlier .

  14. 在早晚高峰过后,PM2.5水平会升至每立方米59微克。

    After the morning and evening rush hour , PM2.5 levels rise to as high as 59 micrograms per cubic meter .

  15. 美国宇航局地球观测站(NASAEarthObservatory)刚刚宣布,中国东北城市哈尔滨的细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度高达每立方米1000微克。

    The NASA Earth Observatory just announced that the northern city of Harbin saw concentrations of fine particulate matter ( PM2.5 ) as high as 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter .

  16. 实际上,WHO说的是PM2.5平均浓度要在24小时内不超过25微克/立方米。

    Actually , the W.H.O. has said that PM 2.5 should not exceed 25 micrograms per cubic meter over a 24-hour period .

  17. 路透社(Reuters)消息称,尝试开采非常规能源遇到困难后,北京方面将2020年的页岩气开采目标减半到300亿立方米。

    Beijing has halved its target for shale gas production by 2020 to 30bcm , according to Reuters , after efforts to unlock the unconventional fuel ran into difficulties .

  18. 与之相比的是,下午7点到凌晨3点,PM2.5水平升至每立方米113微克之高。

    By contrast , between 7 p.m. and 3 a.m. , PM2.5 levels rise to as high as 113 micrograms per cubic meter .

  19. 文章认为油罐技术经济评价指标应包含两个部份:一是油罐基建阶段的钢材耗量和投资,它由每立方米容积耗钢量A(kg/m3)和容积造价C(元/m3)构成;

    The author of this paper considers that this evaluation should include two parts : one-steel consumption A ( kg / m3 ) and unit cost C ( YUAN , RMB / m3 ) during construction ;

  20. 标志内浮顶油罐设计水平的技术经济指标主要包括两项内容,一项是在基建阶段每立方米容积的耗钢量A,另一项是在投入运行后的有效系数B。

    There are two main technol-economical indices for the design of inner floating roof tank : value A , the steel consumption ( volume ) per cubic meter in the construction stage ; value B , the effective coefficient after the tank is put into service .

  21. 《中国日报》报道称,PM2.5浓度的「健康」标准为35微克/立方米,北京有望在2030年达标。

    The concentration level of PM 2.5 cited by China Daily as healthy , and supposedly attainable by 2030 , was 35 micrograms per cubic meter .

  22. 以一个16万立方米的LNG储罐为研究对象对储罐罐底、罐顶和罐壁分别进行了漏热计算,根据日蒸发率计算了储罐的许用漏热量。

    Taking 160,000 m3 LNG tank as a research object , it makes heat leak calculation on tank bottom , top and wall respectively and reckons the allowable heat leak according to the tank daily evaporation rate .

  23. 环境保护部说,74个城市中,仅拉萨、海口、舟山和惠州4个城市PM2.5浓度达到或优于空气质量年二级标准(年二级标准限值为35微克/立方米)。

    Among all 74 cities , only Lhasa , Haikou , Zhoushan and Huizhou met the national grade-2 standard of 35 micrograms per cubic meter , the ministry noted .

  24. 本月您共使用天然气25m³,每立方米单价4元,所以总计金额为100元。

    You have consumed 25m ³ gas this month , and we set each CBM at 4 yuan , which adds up to the total amount of 100 yuan .

  25. 然而,伯恩斯坦(bernstein)表示,天然气用量将会大幅上升,到2015年将在现有水平上增加一倍以上,达到2600亿立方米,而到2020年会再增加50%。

    However , gas usage is set to soar , more than doubling from current levels to 260bn cubic metres by 2015 and by half as much again by 2020 , according to Bernstein .

  26. 中国环保部称,京津冀区域去年PM2.5(即细颗粒物)年均浓度为每立方米93微克。

    Average levels of PM2.5 , or fine particulate matter , stood at 93 micrograms per cubic metre last year in the region covering Hebei and Beijing , the ministry said .

  27. SergeiKupriyanov表示,虽然向乌克兰消费者供应的天然气的容量减少了1亿1千万立方米,向西欧国家的输送量却有所增加。

    Sergei Kupriyanov says that while the volume of gas has been reduced for Ukrainian consumers by 110 million cubic meters , it has been increased for Western Europe .

  28. 北京市环保局曾表示,去年PM2.5年均浓度为89.5微克/立方米,是WHO建议的接触限度的三倍多。

    The Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau has said the average PM 2.5 concentration last year was 89.5 micrograms per cubic meter , which is more than 3.5 times the W.H.O. recommended exposure limit .

  29. 预计在今后10~15年,能够投产的GTL厂用气总量约为1200亿立方米/年。

    The total consumption of natural gas by GTL plants upon their completion is estimated to be 120 billion cubic meters annually , over the next 10 to 15 years .

  30. 对中国城市的这项研究发现,PM2.5的年均接触量为每立方米56微克,而世界卫生组织的空气质量安全标准为每立方米10微克。

    The study of cities in China found the average annual expose to PM2.5 was 56 micrograms per cubic metre , compared to the WHO guideline limit for safe air quality of 10 micrograms .